Academic staff of the University of Marburg


Wolfgang Walter Arnulf Abendroth (2 May 1906 – 15 September 1985) was a German socialist, jurist, and political scientist. He was born in Elberfeld, now a part of Wuppertal in North Rhine-Westphalia. Abendroth was a radical social democrat and an important contributor to the constitutional foundation of post-World War II West Germany. In 1943 he was forcibly drafted into one of the 999th Division's "probation units" and while stationed in Greece he deserted to the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS). After the war he briefly held a Law professorship in East Germany. However, in 1948 he left for West Germany with his family, refusing to disassociate himself from the Social Democratic Party and join the, overwhelmingly stalinist, Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) which in 1949 became the ruling party of East Germany. In 1950 he was appointed professor of Political Science at Marburg and also served as a senior judge in the state court of Hesse. In 1961 he was expelled from the Social Demoractic Party for refusing to disassociate himself from the Socialist German Student Union (SDS). Due to his socialist principles and politics Abendroth was for many years after the end of the war under surveillance by West Germany's Intelligence services. First, by the CIA-affiliated, anti-communist, Gehlen Organisation and later, after 1956, by the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) both of which were led by Reinhard Gehlen, a prominent Nazi before and during World War II.


Eduard Gottlob Zeller (German: [ˈtsɛlɐ]; 22 January 1814, Kleinbottwar – 19 March 1908, Stuttgart) was a German philosopher and Protestant theologian of the Tübingen School of theology. He was well known for his writings on Ancient Greek philosophy, especially Pre-Socratic Philosophy, and most of all for his celebrated, multi-volume historical treatise The Philosophy of Greeks in their Historical Development (1844–52). Zeller was also a central figure in the revival of neo-Kantianism.