19th-century French physicians


Jacques François Édouard Hervieux (4 September 1818 – 31 March 1905) was a French pediatrician and gynecologist born in Louviers.
In 1838 he received his licence ès lettres in Rouen, afterwards obtaining a degree in science in Paris (1841), where he later studied medicine. From 1844 to 1848 he worked as a hospital interne in Paris, followed by many years as a hospital physician. In 1892 he became an officer of the Légion d'Honneur, and in 1896 was appointed president of the Académie Nationale de Médecine. He is buried at Cimetière de Montmartre.
Hervieux is remembered for his systematic research of neonatal jaundice. In 1847 he published a major work on the disease called De l'ictère de nouveau-nés.


Dr. Édouard Marie Heckel (March 24, 1843 – January 20, 1916) was a French botanist and medical doctor, and director of the Jardin botanique E.M. Heckel in Marseille.
Heckel was born in Toulon, studied pharmacy and medicine, and in 1861 visited the Caribbean and Australia. In 1875, he was appointed professor in the faculty of sciences at Marseille, and in 1877 professor of medicine. He became a professor of natural history in Nancy in 1878, and is known for his studies of tropical plants and their use as medicinal plants and oilseeds.
From 1885, Heckel turned to the study of tropical plants such as medicinal or industrial oilseeds. In 1893 he founded the Colonial Institute and Museum of Marseille and creates a tropical pathology professorship at the medical school.
In 1887, he won the Prix Barbier from the French Academy of Sciences.In 1896, French botanist Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre named a genus of flowering plants (belonging to the family Meliaceae) from western central Tropical Africa, Heckeldora in his honour.In 1901, he launched the idea of creating an exhibition devoted exclusively to French colonies. This project would be supported by Jules Charles-Roux, who would become the Commissioner General while Heckel was his deputy. The exhibition was held at Parc Chanot in Marseille and was a great success from its opening on April 14, 1906 to its closure Nov. 18, 1906.


Adolphe-Marie Gubler (5 April 1821 – 20 April 1879) was a French physician and pharmacologist born in Metz.
Originally a student of botany, he began his medical studies in 1841 at Paris, where he was a pupil of Armand Trousseau (1801–1867). In 1845 he became an interne des hôpitaux, earning his doctorate in 1849. Afterwards he worked as a physician at the Hôpital Beaujon, and in 1853 earned his agrégation with a thesis on cirrhosis of the liver. In 1868 he was appointed professor of therapy to the medical faculty in Paris, maintaining this position until his death in 1879.
Gubler made a number of contributions in the fields of medicine and pharmacology. He is credited with being the first physician to differentiate between hematogenous and hepatogenous icterus. His name is associated with "Millard–Gubler syndrome", a condition characterized by softening of brain tissue that is caused by blockage of blood vessels of the pons. The disease is named in conjunction with Auguste Louis Jules Millard (1830–1915), who initially described the disorder in 1855. The eponymous "Gubler's line" is a line of superficial origin of the trigeminal nerve on the pons, a lesion below which results in the aforementioned Millard–Gubler syndrome.
He was the author of many works on botany, clinical medicine, physiology and pharmacology, with several articles on the latter subject being published in the "Journal de thérapeutique". Among his better written efforts was an 1856 treatise on hemiplegia titled De l'hémiplégie alterne envisagée comme signe de lésion de la protubérance annulaire et comme preuve de la décussation des nerfs faciaux, and a major publication involving pharmacopoeia called Commentaires thérapeutiques du codex medicamentarius, a book that was awarded the "Chaussier Prize" (Prix Chaussier, named after anatomist François Chaussier) by the Académie des sciences.Gubler was a founding member of the Société de biologie, and in 1865 became a member of the Académie de médecine.
While still an interne, he was asked by Dr. Trousseau to serve as a traveling companion to a young man suffering from emotional distress. While in Milan, Gubler was seriously wounded by a gunshot from his companion, forcing him to spend a year recuperating in Milan.


Augustin Grisolle (10 February 1811 – 9 February 1869) was a French physician born in Fréjus.
Grisolle was a professor at the Paris faculty of medicine and a member of the Académie de Médecine. He was the author of the two-volume "Traité élémentaire et pratique de pathologie interne" (1844).
His name is associated with "Grisolle's sign", an obsolete sign once affiliated with smallpox. It involved feeling the presence of papules when the skin is stretched.


Dominique Alexandre Godron (25 March 1807 - 16 August 1880) was a French physician, botanist, geologist and speleologist born in the town of Hayange, in the département Moselle.
Godron studied medicine at the University of Strasbourg, and during his career distinguished himself in natural sciences as well as in the field of medicine. In 1854 he became dean and professor of natural history to the Faculty of Sciences at Nancy. Here he established a natural history museum and reorganized its botanical garden (now the Jardin Dominique Alexandre Godron, renamed in his honor).
Among his numerous writings were a publication on the flora of the Lorraine region of France called "Flore de Lorraine" (1843), and the three-volume "Flore de France", a work on flora native to France and Corsica that was co-written with botanist Jean Charles Marie Grenier (1808-1875). In addition to his botanical works, he published a number of studies in the field of ethnology.Before Mendel, he discovered the main features of hybridation. In "de l'Espece et des races dans les êtres organises" he also demonstrated that hybridization in the vegetal world was, against the dominant thinking at the time, similar to hybridization in the animal world. He finally demonstrated the unity of mankind in his book dedicated to our species.
In 1846, he was honoured by botanists Jean Baptiste Mougeot and Joseph Henri Léveillé who named Godronia, which is a genus of fungi in the family Helotiaceae. Then in 1927, William Webster Diehl and Edith Katherine Cash published Godroniopsis, which is also a genus of fungi in the family Helotiaceae.


Augustin Nicolas Gilbert (15 February 1858 – 4 March 1927) was a French physician. He was born in the town of Buzancy, Ardennes, and died in Paris.

He received his doctorate from the University of Paris and became an interne at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. Later he was a professor of therapeutics (1902) and clinical medicine (1905) at Hôtel-Dieu. In 1907 he became a member of the Académie de Médecine.
He published many articles and books on a wide array of medical subjects. With Jean Alfred Fournier (1832-1914) he published Bibliothèque rouge de l'étudiant en médecine, and with Paul Brouardel (1837-1906) and others, he published the multi-volume Traité de médecine et de Thérapeutique. With neurologist Maurice Villaret (1877–1946), he conducted extensive research of portal hypertension.Gilbert described a hereditary cause of increased bilirubin; today this disorder is known as Gilbert's syndrome and is believed to be caused by a deficiency of the enzyme glucuronosyltransferase.


Prosper Menière (18 June 1799 – 7 February 1862) was a French doctor who first identified that the inner ear could be the source of a condition combining vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus, which is now known as Ménière's disease.


Amédée Dechambre (12 January 1812 in Sens – 4 January 1886 in Paris) was a French physician and medical writer.
He studied medicine in Paris, where he also worked as a hospital intern. In 1844 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Strasbourg with the dissertation-thesis "Sur l’hypertrophie concentrique du cœur et les déviations de l'épine par rétraction musculaire". From 1838 to 1853 he worked as an editor of the "Gazette médicale de Paris", and he was the founder of the medical-surgical newspaper "Gazette hebdomadaire de médecine et de chirurgie". In 1886, he died in Paris following a stroke.In 1865 he became an honorary member of the Société Médicale Allemande de Paris. In 1875, he was elected as a member of the Académie de Médecine.He is best known as being the managing editor of the Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales, an encyclopedic medical dictionary that was published from 1864 to 1889 and spread out over 100 volumes. With Mathias-Marie Duval and Léon Lereboullet, he was co-editor of "Dictionnaire usuel des sciences médicales".


Gaspard Adolphe Chatin (30 November 1813, Tullins – 13 January 1901) was a French physician, mycologist and botanist who was born in Tullins Isère, and died in Les Essarts-le-Roi. He was the first to prove that goiter was related to iodine deficiency.
He studied at the Faculté de Médecine in Paris and received his doctorate in May 1840. In 1841, he became Chief Pharmacist at the Beaujon Hospital in Paris, and in 1859 at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. He taught botany at the Ecole Superieure de Pharmacie, which he directed from 1874. In April 1886, there were student riots at the school, and his dismissal was demanded. He retired in August 1886 with the title of honorary director.
He was a member of the Académie Nationale de Médecine (1853) and the Académie des Sciences (1874). He was a member of the Société Botanique de France, which he led in 1862, 1878, 1886 and 1896. In 1878, he became an Officer of the Legion d'honneur.
He was the father of the botanist and zoologist Joannes Charles Melchior Chatin (1847–1912).


Raphaël Anatole Émile Blanchard (28 February 1857 – 7 February 1919) was a French physician and naturalist who was a pioneer of medical zoology, with studies on parasites ranging from protozoa to worms and insects.

Blanchard was born in Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais. He was a great grand nephew of the balloonist and parachute inventor Jean Pierre Blanchard. He went to study medicine in Paris in 1874. He became interested in zoology and worked at the laboratory at the École des Hautes-Études where he became a histological preparator for Charles Robin and Georges Pouchet, the latter influencing him towards studies on experimental teratology (inducing mutations and malformations). He travelled around Europe in 1877 with a grant from the Paris City Council, studying embryology in Vienna and comparative anatomy in Bonn. He received another grant in 1880 to study the organization of universities and biological education across Europe. He wrote a dissertation on anesthesia induced by nitrous oxide in 1880 under Paul Bert and received a medical degree. He became a professor of natural history at the faculty of medicine in Paris in 1883. In 1884 he also became a professor in the school of anthropology. He taught medical zoology from 1883 to 1887. He became interested in microbiology after studies at the Institut Pasteur in 1896 and took an interest in parasitology. He founded the journal Archives de parasitologie in 1898.In 1889 he served as the secretary general for the 1st International Congress of Zoology in Paris alongside the Universal Exhibition. He was made officer of the Legion of Honor in 1912. Towards the end of his life he studied medical works from the Middle Ages including stone inscriptions.