French zoologist stubs


Georges Rousseau-Decelle (2 January 1878, in Roche-sur-Yon – 1965) was a French entomologist.
Rousseau-Decelle amassed a large collection of worldwide butterflies containing many rare species, notably in the genera Morpho and Ornithoptera. He was primarily interested in infraspecific variation.
Georges Rousseau-Decelle was a chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and a member of the Société entomologique de France.


Louis-Joseph Alcide Railliet (also known as Alcide Railliet, born 11 March 1852 at La Neuville-lès-Wasigny in the Ardennes – died 25 December 1930) was a French veterinarian and helminthologist.
Professor at the Veterinary School of Alfort, he is considered one of the founders of modern parasitology and wrote several books of veterinary parasitology. He chaired the Société zoologique de France in 1891. He was a member of the French Académie Nationale de Médecine, from 29 December 1896 to his death. He received the Legion of Honor.


Joseph Alexandre Laboulbène (25 August 1825 Agen – 7 December 1898, Paris) was a French physician and entomologist.
A friend of the entomologist Jean-Marie Léon Dufour (1780-1865), he studied medicine in the University of Paris and was awarded the title Docteur in 1854. He taught in the medical faculty until 1879.
Laboulbène was interested in harmful insects notably in the Order Diptera. The order of mushrooms Laboulbeniales, is dedicated to him, by Engler in 1898.In 1853, Laboulbenia which is a genus of fungi in the family Laboulbeniaceae, was named in his honour.


Joseph Henri Ferdinand Douvillé (16 June 1846 – 19 January 1937), also known as Henri Douvillé, was French paleontologist, geologist and malacologist. Douvillé worked as a mining engineer in Bourges (1872) and Limoges (1874), afterwards serving as professeur suppléant of paleontology at the École des Mines. From 1881 to 1911 he was a professor of paleontology at the École des Mines.


Yves Delage (13 May 1854 – 7 October 1920) was a French zoologist known for his work into invertebrate physiology and anatomy. He also discovered the function of the semicircular canals in the inner ear. He is also famous for noting and preparing a speech on the Turin Shroud, arguing in favour of its authenticity. Delage estimated the probability that the image on the shroud was not caused by the body of Jesus Christ as 1 in 10 billion.


Jean Dorst (7 August 1924 – 8 August 2001) was a French ornithologist.
Dorst was born at Mulhouse and studied biology and paleontology at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the University of Paris. In 1947 he joined the staff of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. He succeeded Jacques Berlioz as chairman of Mammifères et Oiseaux in 1964, and was elected as director of the museum in 1975, resigning in 1985 to protest against government reforms of the museum.
Dorst was a member of the Académie des Sciences, one of the founders and second president of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos, president of the 16th International Ornithological Congress (IOC), and vice president of the Commission of Protection of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Dorst was one of the writers of the documentary Le Peuple Migrateur (Winged Migration), and the film is dedicated to him. A companion volume of photographs and essays was published in 2003.