French politicians who died by suicide


Roger Quilliot (19 June 1925 – 17 July 1998) was a French politician. He served as Housing Minister from May 22 to June 23, 1981, under former French President François Mitterrand. He was also a Socialist member of the French Senate for the Puy-de-Dôme from 1974 to 1981, then from 1983 to April 1998, and again from September 1986 to 1998. He also served as the mayor of Clermont-Ferrand from 1973 to 1998.


François de Grossouvre (29 March 1918 – 7 April 1994) was a French politician who was appointed in 1981 by the newly elected President François Mitterrand with the tasks of overseeing national security and other sensitive matters, particularly those concerning Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Gabon, the Persian Gulf countries, Pakistan and both Koreas. He was also in charge of the French branch of Operation Gladio, the stay-behind paramilitary secret armies created by NATO during the Cold War.He was found dead with gunshot wounds at the Élysée Palace, the French President's official residence. The official verdict was suicide.


Jean-Marie Demange (23 July 1943 in Toulouse – 17 November 2008) was a French member of Parliament. A member of the UMP he was Mayor of Thionville for 13 years, serving in that capacity from 25 June 1995 to 21 March 2008. He had been distraught after losing the 2008 election to a Socialist and committed suicide by gunshot after he killed his mistress following a heated argument.