1864 deaths


Victor Charles Paul Dourlen (3 November 1780 – 8 January 1864) was a French composer and music teacher at the Conservatoire de Paris during the first half of the nineteenth century. He is primarily known as a theorist on account of his treatises on harmony, based on the methods of Charles Simon Catel, which were widely used as reference works, especially his Traité d'harmonie (c. 1838), the Traité d'accompagnement pratique (c. 1840), and his Méthode élémentaire pour le pianoforte (c. 1820).


Julius August Christoph Zech (24 February 1821 Stuttgart, Germany − 13 July 1864 Berg) was a German astronomer and mathematician.
In 1849, Zech published a table of logarithms; as a result, Zech logarithms for finite fields are named after him.
In 1863, Zech attended the founding meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (German Astronomical Society) and became its Vorstand (chairman). Friedrich Wilhelm Argelander assumed this role upon Zech's death..


Jean Kickx (17 January 1803, Brussels – 1864) was a Belgian botanist. His father, also known as Jean Kickx (1775–1831) was a botanist and mineralogist; his son Jean Jacques Kickx (1842–1887) was a professor of botany at the University of Ghent.
In 1830 he obtained his PhD at Leuven, later serving as a professor of botany in Brussels (1831–1835) and at the University of Ghent (1835–1864). He was a co-founder of the Société royale de botanique de Belgique.The mycological genus Kickxella (order Kickxellales) was named in his honor by Eugène Coumans.