Politicians from Strasbourg


Georges Weill (17 September 1882 – 10 January 1970) was an Alsatian politician who was a Socialist member of parliament for Metz in the German Reichstag from 1912 to 1914. After the outbreak of World War I, he declared his loyalty to France and joined the French Army. In response he was stripped of German citizenship on 5 August 1914. After the Allied victory the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine returned to France, he was elected general counsel of the Lower Rhine in 1919 and became a socialist member of the French Parliament for the Bas-Rhin district.


Elisabeth Eleonore Anna Justine Heuss-Knapp (née Knapp; 25 January 1882 – 19 July 1952) was a German politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), social reformer, author and wife of German president Theodor Heuss. She was the founder of the Müttergenesungswerk charitable organisation officially called Elly Heuss-Knapp Foundation in her honour.


François Loos (born 24 December 1953) was appointed Minister Delegate for Industry on 2 June 2005, following a term as Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade (June 2002 to May 2005). He was Minister Delegate for Higher Education & Research in the first Raffarin government.
François Loos is a graduate from the Ecole Polytechnique, the prestigious state-run industrial and engineering school and has an engineering diploma from the Ecole des Mines. He also holds a postgraduate diploma (diplôme d'études approfondies – DEA) in mathematics.
After starting his career as an engineer with various firms in France and Germany, François Loos became a technical advisor to Pierre Pflimlin, President of the European Parliament (1984), and subsequently to Hubert Curien, French Minister of Research & Technology (1984–1985). He next joined Rhône Poulenc as Managing Director of the Thann plant, which he ran for two years before being appointed Executive Secretary for Research (1987–1989). From 1990 to 1993, he was Chief Executive of the Lohr SA group.
In 1992 François Loos was elected Conseiller Régional (regional government representative) for the Alsace region and deputy of the Bas-Rhin département in 1993. He has been Vice-Chairman of the Conseil Régional (regional government) of Alsace since 1996. He was re-elected as a deputy in 1997 and again on 9 June 2002 (after the first election round). He chaired the Parliamentary Board of Enquiry into Industrial Hazards in France following the Toulouse disaster in 2001.
In 1994 and 1995 he was the Deputy General Secretary of the Parti Radical Valoisien, a centre-right political party. He was then promoted to National Secretary and in 1997 to National Delegate for International Affairs, followed by a term as party chairman from 1999 to October 2003. He is a founding member and a member of the political bureau of the Union for a Popular Movement, a right-wing political party.


Kémi Séba (French-language version of Egyptian for "black star"), born Stellio Gilles Robert Capo Chichi on 9 December 1981, is a Pan-Africanist political leader, French–Beninese writer, and geopolitical journalist, seen as a prominent figure of anti-colonialist resistance in francophone Africa in the 21st century.Since April 2013 he has been a geopolitical analyst on several West African televisions and has given lectures about Pan-Africanism in many African universities. From 2015, at the head of his NGO Urgences Panafricanistes that he founded, he led a fight against french neocolonialism. He denounces the CFA franc and the lack of monetary sovereignty that affects countries using this currency, through political demonstrations in all French-speaking African countries. He is the initiator of the demonstrations against the CFA franc who took place in January 2017 in several French-speaking African countries.
In January 2018 he was elected as 2017 African Personality of the Year by Africanews, for his fight against French neocolonialism and the CFA Franc in Africa.


Yves Bur (born 10 March 1951 in Strasbourg) is a former member of the National Assembly of France. He has been elected in the 4th constituency of the Bas-Rhin department and is a member of the Union for a Popular Movement.