Sachsenhausen concentration camp survivors


Hans Grundig (February 19, 1901 – September 11, 1958) was a German painter and graphic artist associated with the New Objectivity movement.
He was born in Dresden and, after an apprenticeship as an interior decorator, studied in 1920–1921 at the Dresden School of Arts and Crafts. He then studied at the Dresden Academy from 1922 to 1923. During the 1920s his paintings, primarily portraits of working-class subjects, were influenced by the work of Otto Dix. Like his friend Gert Heinrich Wollheim, he often depicted himself in a theatrical manner, as in his Self-Portrait during the Carnival Season (1930).He had his first solo exhibition in 1930 at the Dresden gallery of Józef Sandel. He made his first etchings in 1933.
Politically anti-fascist, he joined the German Communist Party in 1926, and was a founding member of the arts organization Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler in Dresden in 1929.
Following the fall of the Weimar Republic, Grundig was declared a degenerate artist by the Nazis, who included his works in the defamatory Degenerate Art exhibition in Munich in 1937. He expressed his antagonism toward the regime in paintings such as The Thousand Year Reich (1936). Forbidden to practice his profession, he was arrested twice—briefly in 1936, and again in 1938, after which he was interned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp from 1940 to 1944.
In 1945 he went to Moscow, where he attended an anti-fascist school. Returning to Berlin in 1946, he became a professor of painting at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts. In 1957 he published his autobiography, Zwischen Karneval und Aschermittwoch ("Between Shrovetide carnival and Ash Wednesday"). He was awarded the Heinrich Mann Prize in Berlin in 1958, the year of his death.


Bernt Henrik Lund CBE (born 14 August 1924) is a Norwegian retired civil servant, diplomat and politician for the Labour Party. He held leading administrative positions in the municipality of Oslo, and also worked on foreign affairs, including foreign aid projects. He was Norway's first ambassador to Namibia.


Eskild Jensen (28 April 1925 – 1 April 2013) is a Norwegian civil servant and politician for the Labour Party.
He was born in Vestre Aker as a son of executive Eskild Jensen Sr. (1876–1955) and teacher Elizabeth Kobro (1889–1985). In 1957 he married civil servant Inger Aarskog. He enrolled at Oslo Commerce School, but as the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany commenced in the same year, Jensen soon prioritized to work in the Norwegian resistance movement. He distributed an illegal newspaper compiled from BBC radio reports; listening to these was also illegal. He was caught by Gestapo in 1942, tortured, and imprisoned in the concentration camps Grini and from May 1943 to 1945 Sachsenhausen.After the war Jensen graduated in economics from the University of Oslo. In 1961 he was hired in the Ministry of Finance. He worked for the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation from 1962 to 1967 and 1969 to 1974. In 1974 he was appointed deputy under-secretary of state in the Ministry of Transport and Communications before serving as State Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister from 1976 to 1980, as part of the Nordli's Cabinet. From 1980 to 1992 he served as director of the Norwegian Directorate of Public Roads.