Articles needing additional references from July 2013


Viggo Hagstrøm (16 February 1954, Oslo – 19 January 2013) was a Norwegian legal scholar, and professor of law at the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo Faculty of Law.He obtained the cand.jur. degree in 1979, and was appointed lecturer in law at the University of Oslo in 1980. In 1985, he obtained the dr.juris degree and was appointed as associate professor. He became professor of law, particularly property law, in 1988. He was head of department for the Department of Private Law 1992–2000. He was a member of the Study Group on a European Civil Code. He was a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and held an honorary doctorate at the University of Copenhagen. He was editor-in-chief of Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap (from 1999).Hagstrøm died on 19 January 2013, after having been in a coma since November the previous year because of choking on an item of food served during a publisher's dinner.


Fredrik Ludvig Fasting Torgersen (1 October 1934 – 18 June 2015) was a Norwegian man who was convicted of murder in 1958 in a much-debated case, and released from prison in 1974.Serving 16 years in prison before being released, he continuously claimed his innocence.In 2013 Bjørg Njaa, a daughter of a judge in the 1958 trial said that her father was prejudiced against Torgersen even before being assigned to the trial.In 2014 he was denied access to official recordings of then leader of the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine, Bjørnar Olaisen, answering to Criminal Cases Review Commission.Torgersen died on 18 June 2015, a week after his sixth call for a resumption of his case. At the time of his death, he was hospitalized with cancer.