Hostage taking in Brazil


The Eloá Pimentel hostage crisis, as it is known, refers to the October 2008 incident involving 15-year-old Brazilian girl Eloá Cristina Pimentel, who was kidnapped, taken against her will and held hostage before being murdered by her 22-year-old ex-boyfriend, Lindemberg Alves. Additionally, Pimentel’s friend, Nayara da Silva, was shot by Alves. The tragedy received major media exposure, not only because of the murder, but also because of blatant mistakes made by the São Paulo police. Eloá Pimentel was held as a hostage for 100 hours – the longest kidnapping ever registered in the State of São Paulo. The trial of Alves commenced on 13 February 2012, exactly three years and four months after the crime.