Vocation : Medical : Physician


Charlotte Haug (born 21 May 1959) is a Norwegian physician and editor, former editor of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.
Haug graduated as dr.med. in infection immunology from the University of Oslo in 1999, and eventually as Master of Science in health research from Stanford University. She edited the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association from 2002 to 2015.


Bjørn-Inge Larsen (born 28 February 1961) is a Norwegian physician and civil servant.
He graduated from the University of Oslo with a cand.med. degree in medicine in 1986. He has also studied business administration at the BI Norwegian Business School and received an MBA and an M.ph after his post graduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1990 to 2000, Larsen served as the county chief physician in Buskerud, Finnmark and Vestfold. In 2000 he was appointed as deputy director in the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision.
In 2001 he became director of the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs. In October 2012, he was named as the new permanent under-secretary of state in the Ministry of Health and Care Services, succeeding Anne Kari Lande Hasle.
Larsen is a member of the Executive Board of WHO for the period 2010 to 2013. Here he has been one of the strongest advocates of the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel that was adopted by WHO in 2010. This code is a landmark in the international endeavour to reduce the outflow of health personnel from the countries which can afford it least. He has also been actively engaged in the search for sound means to reduce the global incidence of non-communicable diseases.


Frits Clausen (12 November 1893 – 5 December 1947) was a far-right Danish politician and leader of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark (DNSAP) before and during World War II.


Alexander Tietze (6 February 1864 – 19 March 1927) was a German surgeon born in Liebenau. Tietze syndrome is named after him.
In 1887 he received his doctorate at the University of Breslau, and from 1888 to 1895 was an assistant at the Breslau surgical clinic. During this time period he worked under Jan Mikulicz-Radecki (1850-1905). In 1894 he gained his habilitation, subsequently becoming a primary physician at the Allerheiligen-Hospital (1896). In 1914-1920 he was a member of the Breslau City Council.


T. J. Bass, real name Thomas J. Bassler, MD (July 7, 1932 – December 13, 2011) was an American science fiction author and physician, having graduated from the University of Iowa in 1959. Bassler is also known for his controversial claim that nonsmokers who are able to complete a marathon in under four hours can eat whatever they wish and never suffer a fatal heart attack.John Robbins has noted that Jim Fixx approvingly quoted Bassler in his best-selling book, The Complete Book of Running. Fixx died from heart failure at 52 while running.Two of Bass' novels, Half Past Human (1971) and The Godwhale (1974), were nominated for the Nebula Award. In both his books the Hive was a three trillion population of 'nebishes' - humans who had four toes and all aggressiveness bred out of them.


Albert Sézary (26 December 1880, Algiers – 1 December 1956, Paris) was a French dermatologist and syphilogist.
He served as a hospital interne in Algiers (from 1901) and Paris (from 1905), where he worked with neurologists Joseph Jules Dejerine and Fulgence Raymond and dermatologists Lucien Jacquet and Edouard Jeanselme. He received his medical doctorate in 1909, and from 1919 to 1926 was laboratory chief in the clinic for skin and syphilitic diseases at the Hôpital Saint-Louis. In 1927, he became an associate professor for skin and venereal diseases, and two years later was appointed chef de service at the Hôpitaux Broca and Saint-Louis.In 1921 he introduced the combination of arsenic and bismuth for the treatment of syphilis. He also proposed pentavalent arsenic as a treatment for general paresis of the insane.


Alan Edward Nourse (; August 11, 1928 – July 19, 1992) was an American science fiction writer and physician. He wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His SF works sometimes focused on medicine and/or psionics.
His most notable pen name was Doctor X. He used this pseudonym when writing for a medical column in a science fiction magazine, allowing him to combine his expertise in medicine with his passion for science fiction.


Césaire Phisalix (8 October 1852, Mouthier-Haute-Pierre – 16 March 1906) was a French physician and biologist. He was the husband of Marie Picot Phisalix (1861–1946), an expert on venoms and venomous animals.He studied sciences at the Catholic college in Besançon and medicine in Paris, earning his medical doctorate in 1877. Later, he continued his studies at the military school in Val de Grâce with Alphonse Laveran, a future winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In 1886, he was named deputy professor of zoology at the school of medicine and pharmacy in Besançon, and in 1888 was appointed director of travaux de zoologie at the faculty of Besançon. Shortly afterwards, he returned to Paris, where he served as a lecturer at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle.In 1894, with biochemist Gabriel Bertrand, he developed an antivenom for treatment against snake bites. For his research of venom and venomous animals, he was awarded the "Prix Bréant" in 1898.


Albert Friedrich Veiel (8 June 1806 – 2 August 1874) was a German dermatologist who was a native of Ludwigsburg.
He studied at the Universities of Tübingen and Paris, and in 1829 earned his medical doctorate. In 1837 at Cannstatt, he founded the first in-patient dermatological clinic in Germany. The clinic was called the Heilanstalt für Flechtenkranke, and with orthopedist Jakob Heine (1800–1879) and others, Veiel was a catalyst in making Cannstatt an important center for medical treatment. The clinic attracted numerous celebrities and members of European aristocracy.