1965 deaths


Otto Lowenstein (7 May 1889 – 25 March 1965) was a German-American neuropsychiatrist who was a native of Osnabrück.
He grew up in Preußisch Oldendorf, the son of Julius Lowenstein, a merchant, and Henriette Grunewald, into a Jewish family, and, when he was 19, began to study mathematics and philosophy at the University of Göttingen, before switching to medicine in another university.In 1914 he received his medical degree from the University of Bonn, and following service as a military physician during World War I, he returned to Bonn as a neuropsychiatric assistant to Alexander Westphal. While at Bonn, he was involved in the fields of pediatric psychiatry and experimental psychology. He pursued funding from the Government of Westphalia, then developed and opened the first children's psychiatric hospital in the world. He became Chief of Staff at this new Neuropsychiatric Hospital of Bonn University (1920–1926). He became Chief Neuropsychiatrist and Director of the State Hospital for Nervous and Mental Diseases and founded the pioneering Neuropsychiatric Hospital for children, serving as its head from 1926 to 1933. This hospital continues to operate to this day and is believed to be the first specialized hospital of its kind in the world. He was the Director of the Institute for Heredity in Neurology and Psychiatry, (Institut Fuer Neurologisch–Psychiatrische Erbforschung) from 1926 to 1933. Together with his wife, Dr Marta (Grunewald) Lowenstein, he conducted hundreds of interviews to develop family histories of neurological illnesses. While in Germany he also began early research into pupillography as a means to detect and diagnose mental and neurological disorders including engineering the first machines and methodologies to assist in the study of the eye as a window to the brain.
In 1933, because of his Jewish ethnicity, he relocated to Switzerland in order to escape Nazi persecution (led by a former army colleague who was envious of his work), working as a neuropsychiatrist at the Clinique La Métairie in Nyon. He was a member of the faculty of the University of Geneva, Department of Ophthalmology, and Director of the Pupillographic Laboratory from 1935 to 1939. Under his leadership, the laboratory and the equipment pioneered there were invented and used in his researching the pupil. In 1939 he emigrated to New York City, where he was associated with New York University and later Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. In New York, he continued neuro-ophthalmological research with his research assistant Irene Loewenfeld. As he was preparing final edits to a major compendium of his life work specializing on the pupil, he was taken ill with pancreatic cancer. His work was entrusted to Dr Loewenfeld who had received her Ph.D. From the University of Bonn under Dr Lowenstein's mentorship. The work was ultimately published in the 1990s and contains his research in two volumes.He is remembered for his studies involving motion, size and functionality of the eye's pupil from a neuropsychiatric standpoint. In Germany and America, he created laboratories containing specialized equipment for research of the eye's pupil. He was particularly interested in the status of an individual's pupil during specific emotional and psychological states, as well as the condition of the pupil during periods of fatigue and alertness.
In 1957, he built an "electronic pupillograph" that incorporated infrared technology. This device was used to accurately measure and analyze the pupils' diameter, and was a forerunner to more sophisticated pupillographic instruments that were developed in later years. Lowenstein's pioneer experiments and numerous publications on pupillary topics were a major factor in bringing pupillography into American neuro-ophthalmological medicine.
Recently, a psychiatric clinic for children called Das Professor Otto Löwenstein Haus was founded at the University of Bonn in Lowenstein's honor.
He was survived by his wife Marta who died later in the same year and by his two daughters, Anne Elizabeth Löwenstein Perls of Pacific Palisades, California, and Mary Dorothy Theresa Löwenstein Rowe (aka Marieli Rowe) of Madison, Wisconsin.


Joseph Igersheimer(1879–1965) was a German born ophthalmologist known for his work on arsphenamine for the treatment of syphilis. A Jew, after escaping the Nazis, While in forced exile from Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1939, Joseph Igersheimer was the architect of modern ophthalmology in Turkey. Earlier he was a pioneer in addressing the impact of syphilis on eyesight. He was the first to use arsphenamine in the treatment of syphilis of the eye and the first to operate on retinal detachment by closing the holes. In 1939 he joined the faculty of Tufts University School of Medicine and became a major contributor to America's ophthalmology..


Lucien Leon Hauman-Merck (8 July 1880, in Ixelles – 16 September 1965, in Brussels) was a Belgian botanist, who studied and collected plants in South America and Africa.
He received his education in Gembloux, and afterwards relocated to Argentina, where he obtained a position in the department of agronomy and veterinary medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. From 1904 to 1925 he taught classes in botany, plant pathology and agricultural microbiology at the university. In 1910 he laid the foundations for its botanical garden.In Argentina he conducted important phytogeographical research, and he also performed plant collection duties that involved excursions to Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay. In 1927 he returned to Europe, where from 1928 to 1949, he served as a professor of botany at the Free University of Brussels. During this time period, he studied African flora, about which, he collected numerous plants in the Belgian Congo. In 1949 he returned to Argentina as an honorary professor at the University of Buenos Aires. The "Jardín Botánico Lucien Hauman" at the university is named in his honor.The genera Haumania (J.Léonard, 1949) and Haumaniastrum (P.A.Duvign. et Plancke, 1959) commemorate his name, as do species with the epithet of haumanii.


Corrado Gini (23 May 1884 – 13 March 1965) was an Italian statistician, demographer and sociologist who developed the Gini coefficient, a measure of the income inequality in a society. Gini was a proponent of organicism and applied it to nations. Gini was a eugenicist, and prior to and during World War II, he was an advocate of Italian Fascism. Following the war, he founded the Italian Unionist Movement, which advocated for the annexation of Italy by the United States.


Stéphane Marcel Delépine (19 September 1871, in Saint-Martin-le-Gaillard – 21 September 1965) was a French pharmacist and chemist, whose name is associated with the Delépine reaction for the preparation of primary amines.
He studied at the Sorbonne and at the École Supérieure de Pharmacie in Paris, receiving his doctorate in 1898 with the thesis Amines et amides dérivés des aldéhydes ("The amines and amide derivatives of aldehydes"). From 1895 to 1902 he served as préparateur at the Collège de France, where he worked in the laboratory of Marcellin Berthelot. In 1902 he was named chief pharmacist to the hospitals of Paris, a position he maintained up until 1927.From 1904 he was an agrégé at the École Supérieure de Pharmacie, attaining the chair of hydrology and hygiene in 1913. In 1930 he was appointed a professor of organic chemistry at the Collège de France.In 1927 he became a scientific advisor for Etablissements Poulenc, and subsequently was named director of pharmaceutical research for Rhône-Poulenc. In 1930 he became a member of the Académie des sciences.His work involved research in the fields of organic, inorganic and general chemistry. He made contributions in his investigations of terpenes, platinum group metals (iridium, rhodium), sulfur compounds, et al. In 1935 he described a general method for catalytic hydrogenation with Raney nickel. Also, when experimenting with thiocarbonic esters and related bodies, he discovered the phenomena of "oxyluminescence". In addition, he is credited for introducing a new process for preparation of pure tungsten.


Giulio Cesare Costanzi (25 April 1875 in Contigliano, Italy – 28 August 1965 in Rome, Italy), was an officer of the ITAF Engineers Corps and a pioneer of space studies in Italy. In 1914, he wrote a paper on space navigation that is regarded as the first Italian contribution to space flights on record.