Male non-fiction writers


Noël Godin (born 13 September 1945) is a Belgian writer, critic, actor and notorious pie thrower or entarteur. Godin gained global attention in 1998 when his group ambushed Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in Brussels, pelting the software magnate with a pie. After bombarding Gates, Godin allegedly said, "My work is done here."


Edward FitzGerald "Gerald" Brenan, CBE, MC (7 April 1894 – 19 January 1987) was a British writer and hispanist who spent much of his life in Spain.
Brenan is probably best known for The Spanish Labyrinth, a historical work on the background to the Spanish Civil War, and for a mainly autobiographical work South from Granada: Seven Years in an Andalusian Village. He was appointed CBE in the Diplomatic Service and Overseas List of 1982.