German neurologists


Fritz Heinrich Lewy (; January 28, 1885 – October 5, 1950), known in his later years as Frederic Henry Lewey, was a German-born American neurologist. He is best known for the discovery of Lewy bodies, which are a characteristic indicator of Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.Lewy was born to a Jewish family in Berlin, Germany, on January 28, 1885. He trained in Berlin and Zürich and graduated from Berlin in 1910. He worked in Alois Alzheimer's Munich laboratory and was contemporary with Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt (1885–1964), Alfons Maria Jakob (1884–1931) and Ugo Cerletti (1877–1963). In 1933, he fled Nazi Germany and moved to the United States. Lewy died in Haverford, Pennsylvania, on October 5, 1950, aged 65.


Mathilde Friederike Karoline Ludendorff (born Mathilde Spieß; 4 October 1877 – 24 June 1966) was a German psychiatrist. She was a leading figure in the Völkisch movement known for her unorthodox (esoteric) and conspiratorial ideas. Her third husband was General Erich Ludendorff. Together with Ludendorff, she founded the Bund für Gotteserkenntnis (Society for the Knowledge of God), a small and rather obscure esoterical society of theists, which was banned from 1961 to 1977.


Gabriel Steiner (26 May 1883, Ulm – 10 August 1965, Detroit) was a German-American neurologist known for his research of multiple sclerosis. In his studies, he postulated a link between multiple sclerosis and certain forms of spirochetes.Of Jewish ancestry, he studied medicine at the universities of Munich, Würzburg, Freiburg and Strasbourg, receiving his doctorate at the latter university in 1910. In 1913 he qualified as a lecturer in neurology and psychiatry, and from 1920, worked as an associate professor at the University of Heidelberg. Here, he was also head of the laboratory for pathological anatomy at the psychiatric-neurological clinic.In 1936 he emigrated to the United States, where from 1937 to 1954, he served as a professor of neurology and neuropathology at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit. In retirement, he was director of the Michigan Multiple Sclerosis Center.


Eduard Müller (4 January 1876, in Annweiler am Trifels – 30 December 1928, in Marburg) was a German internist and neurologist.
He studied medicine at several German universities, receiving his doctorate from the University of Erlangen in 1898. Following graduation, he spent two years as an assistant at the psychiatric clinic in Freiburg under Hermann Emminghaus and Alfred Hoche, then afterwards worked as an assistant to Carl Weigert at the Senckenberg Institute of Pathology in Frankfurt am Main.In 1903 he became an assistant in Adolph Strümpell's clinic, initially at Erlangen, and then in Breslau. In 1909 he relocated to the University of Marburg as an associate professor and director of the medical polyclinic. In 1921 he attained a full professorship.With bacteriologist Georg Jochmann, he developed the "Müller-Jochmann test", a method of differentiating between tuberculous and non-tuberculous pus.


August Knoblauch (8 January 1863 in Frankfurt am Main – 24 August 1919 in Frankfurt am Main) was a German neurologist. He was a nephew of chemist August Kekulé.
He studied medicine and sciences at the universities of Berlin, Bonn, Strasbourg and Heidelberg. In 1888 he received his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg, where he studied under neurologist Wilhelm Heinrich Erb. In 1898 he was named head of the city infirmary in Frankfurt, then in 1914 was named director of the neurological clinic at the University of Frankfurt am Main.In 1893 he was named first secretary at the Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt, where he later served as second director (from 1896) and first director (from 1899).He is best remembered for his research on the cognitive function regarding music; in 1888/90 he put forth a detailed diagrammatic model of music processing, and postulated the existence of nine disorders of music production and perception. He is credited with coining the term "amusia" — being defined as the inability to recognize musical tones or being unable to reproduce them.


Friedrich Jolly (24 November 1844 – 4 January 1904) was a German neurologist and psychiatrist who was a native of Heidelberg, and the son of physicist Philipp von Jolly (1809–1884).
He studied medicine at Göttingen under Georg Meissner (1829–1905), and in 1867 received his doctorate at Munich. In 1868 he became an assistant to Bernhard von Gudden (1824–1886) and Hubert von Grashey (1839–1914) at the mental institution in Werneck, and in 1870 was an assistant to Franz von Rinecker (1811–1883) at the Juliusspital in Würzburg.
In 1873 Jolly became director of the psychiatric clinic in Strassburg, where he was named as successor to Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902). In 1890 he succeeded Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal (1833–1890) as director of the neuropsychiatric clinic at the Berlin Charité.
Jolly is remembered for his pioneer research of myasthenia gravis, including the electrophysiological aspects involving abnormal fatigue associated with the disease which forms the basis of Jolly's test. He is credited with coining the term myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica for the disorder.
He was the author of an influential treatise on hypochondria that was published in Hugo Wilhelm von Ziemssen's "Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie". His "Untersuchungen über den elektrischen Leitungswiderstand des menschlichen Körpers" (1884) was fundamental to the study of electrical diagnostics.His grave is preserved in the Protestant Friedhof III der Jerusalems- und Neuen Kirchengemeinde (Cemetery No. III of the congregations of Jerusalem's Church and New Church) in Berlin-Kreuzberg, south of Hallesches Tor.


Robert Eugen Gaupp (3 October 1870 – 30 August 1953) was a German psychiatrist and neurologist who was a native of Neuenbürg, Württemberg.
Gaupp was an assistant to Carl Wernicke (1848–1905) and Karl Bonhoeffer (1868–1948) at Breslau, and afterwards worked with Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich. From 1908 to 1936 he was a professor of psychiatry at the University of Tübingen. One of his assistants was Ernst Kretschmer. Following World War II, he was departmental head of health and welfare for the city of Stuttgart (1945–48).
Gaupp performed numerous investigations of psychological disorders, and is remembered for his case studies of mass-murderer Ernst August Wagner (1874–1938). He was particularly interested in correlations between personality and psychosis, and was an advocate of "pastoral psychology". For a period of time, he was also editor of the Zentralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie.
Sometime shortly after the passage by decree, on 15 September 1935, of the "Nuremberg Laws"(officially "Laws for the Protection of German Blood and Honor"), Gaupp came to the support of a local physician, Albrecht Schroeder (pictured at left in image below), a collegiate fraternity brother in a non-fighting order, die Igel (the Hedgehogs), to which Gaupp also belonged. With the passage of the Nuremberg Laws and the preemption of organizational authority to permit Jewish membership in non-dueling fraternal orders (Jews had never been permitted to join German dueling orders), Schroeder's status was made precarious because he was married to a Jew, née Felicia Rosenstein of Bad Cannstatt, an outer district of Stuttgart. At a meeting convened of the general membership to decide upon Schroeder's suitability for membership given Schroeder's marital status and his "Mischling" (mixed race) children, Gaupp, otherwise unaffiliated with Schroeder (Gaupp was 65 at the time, Schroeder 44; and the two had never before met), declared before those assembled: "Wenn der Schroeder raus muss, dann geh ich auch." (If Schroeder goes, then I go, too.) Schroeder withdrew his petition sometime before final disposition by the fraternity towards his case, and Gaupp himself left the organization voluntarily around the same time, as he had pledged doing on behalf of Schroeder. The two men remained close friends until Gaupp's death in 1953.


Ludwig Edinger (13 April 1855 – 26 January 1918) was an influential German anatomist and neurologist and co-founder of the University of Frankfurt. In 1914 he was also appointed the first German professor of neurology.
Edinger was born into a Jewish family and grew up in Worms, where his father was a successful textile salesman and democratic congressman in the state parliament of Hesse-Darmstadt. His mother was the daughter of a physician from Karlsruhe. He was not ashamed that he started his career as a poor man. Indeed, he proposed free schooling for all children in 1873, but without success.
Edinger studied medicine from 1872 to 1877 in Heidelberg and Strasbourg. His studies into neurology began during his time as an assistant physician in Giessen (1877 - 1882). His habilitation was in 1881 about neurological researches. He became a docent for these themes. He worked in Berlin, Leipzig and Paris and opened his own practice for neurology in Frankfurt am Main in 1883.
Due to Edingers initiative in 1885, the pathologist Karl Weigert became director of the Dr. Senckenbergische Anatomie in Frankfurt. Weigert opposed antisemitism. Weigert gave his friend Edinger a place to work in his institute. In 1902, Edinger received enough space to start his own neurological department.
In 1909, after a dispute between Edinger and the Senckenberg foundation about the finances of the neurological institute, Edinger moved to the University of Frankfurt under the condition that he was responsible for the financing of the department. His problems had eased in 1886, when he married Anna Goldschmidt, the daughter of an old family of traditional Jewish bankers in Frankfurt; she received a large inheritance in 1906.
Edinger died suddenly on 26 January 1918 in Frankfurt of a heart attack. He had left instructions for his brain to be examined in his institute. The institute continued with the introduction of a foundation set-up by Edinger. The Neurology department of the Goethe University's Faculty of Medicine is named after him.
Edinger is credited with coining the terms "gnosis" and "praxis". These terms were later used in psychological descriptions of agnosia and apraxia. Also, he was the first to describe the ventral and dorsal spinocerebellar tracts and to distinguish the paleocerebellum from the neocerebellum.