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Karl Harko von Noorden (13 September 1858 – 26 October 1944) was a German internist, born in Bonn and educated in medicine at Tübingen, Freiberg, and Leipzig (M.D., 1882).
In 1885 he was admitted as privatdocent to the medical facility of the University of Giessen, where he had been assistant in the medical clinic since 1883. In 1889 he became first assistant of the medical clinic at Berlin University, in 1894 was called to Frankfurt am Main as physician in charge of the municipal hospital, and in 1906 was appointed professor of medicine at the University of Vienna, as a successor to Carl Nothnagel.
Von Noorden made special researches involving albuminuria in health, metabolism disorders and its treatment, diabetes, diseases of the kidney, dietetics, etc., and wrote on these subjects, some of his books appearing in English. Among his assistants was the Austrian-American psychologist Rudolf von Urban.
Noorden advocated an "oat-cure" to treat diabetes. The diet "consisted of 250 gm. oatmeal a day - 80 gm. with about 0.4 liter water each meal and maybe some vegetables or fruits for the taste"He died in Vienna. His father, also named Carl von Noorden (1833–1883) was a noted historian.


Antoine Joseph Jobert de Lamballe (17 December 1799 – 19 April 1867) was a French surgeon. He was born at Matignon, studied medicine at Paris, and in 1830 became surgeon at the Hôpital Saint-Louis. He was elected to the Academy of Medicine in 1840 and to the Academy of Sciences in 1856.
Jobert was a brilliant and resourceful operator, best known for his masterly use of autoplastie, the repair of diseased parts by healthy neighboring tissue, and especially for the operation which he styled élitroplastie, an autoplastic cure of vaginal fistula. He wrote:

Traité théorique et pratique des maladies chirurgicales du canal intestinal (1829)
Etudes sur le système nerveux (1838)
Traité de chirurgie plastique (1849)
De la réunion en chirurgie (1864)


Ambrosius Arnold Willem Hubrecht (2 March 1853, in Rotterdam – 21 March 1915, in Utrecht) was a Dutch zoologist.
Hubrecht studied zoology at Utrecht University with Harting and Donders, for periods joining Selenka in Leiden and later Erlangen, and Gegenbauer in Heidelberg. He graduated magna cum laude with Harting in 1874 with a study on nemertine worms. In 1875–1882 he worked at the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden, where he was the curator of ichthyology and herpetology, and in 1882 became professor at Utrecht. In 1890–1891 he traveled in Java, Sumatra, and Borneo, where he made embryological studies, notably on the tarsier. He visited the United States in 1896 and 1907. Honorary degrees were conferred on him by Princeton University, the University of St Andrews, the University of Dublin, the University of Glasgow (LL.D 1901), and the University of Giessen.
Hubrecht´s most important work was in embryology and placentation of the mammals. In papers in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopial Science in 1883 and 1887 he put forth the theory—also held by Sir E. Ray Lankester—that the vertebrates originated in a Nemertine form, basing this on his discovery in the Nemertines of a continuous nerve sheath. The Descent of the Primates (1897) is the title under which were published his lectures at the sesquicentennial celebration at Princeton.
In 1883 he became member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Hubrecht founded the Institut Internationale d'Embryologie, today known as the International Society of Developmental Biologists.


Charles Tellier (29 June 1828 – 19 October 1913) was a French engineer, born in Amiens. He early made a study of motors and compressed air. In 1868, he began experiments in refrigeration, which resulted ultimately in the refrigerating plant, as used on ocean vessels, to preserve meats and other perishable food. In 1911, Tellier was awarded the Joest prize by the French Institute and, in 1912, he was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. He wrote Histoire d'une invention moderne, le frigorifique (1910).
Tellier died impoverished in Paris. Dimethyl ether was the first refrigerant, in 1876, Charles Tellier bought the ex-Elder-Dempster a 690 tons cargo ship Eboe and fitted a Methyl-ether refrigerating plant of his design. The ship was renamed Le Frigorifique and successfully imported a cargo of refrigerated meat from Argentina. However the machinery could be improved and in 1877 another refrigerated ship called Paraguay with a refrigerating plant improved by Ferdinand Carré was put into service on the South American run.


Julian Hawthorne (June 22, 1846 – July 14, 1934) was an American writer and journalist, the son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne and Sophia Peabody. He wrote numerous poems, novels, short stories, mysteries and detective fiction, essays, travel books, biographies, and histories.


Marie-Thérèse Blanc, better known by the pseudonym Thérèse Bentzon (21 September 1840 – 1907), was a French journalist, essayist and novelist, for many years on the staff of the Revue des Deux Mondes. She was born at Seine-Port, Seine-et-Marne, a small village near Paris, traveled widely in the United States, and wrote of American literature and social conditions.