German gynaecologists


Hermann Johannes Karl Fehling (14 July 1847 - 11 November 1925) was a German obstetrician and gynecologist who was a native of Stuttgart. He was the son of the chemist Hermann von Fehling (1811-1885).
In 1872 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Leipzig, and following graduation remained in Leipzig as an assistant to obstetrician Carl Siegmund Franz Credé (1819-1892). In 1877 he became director of the Württemberg state midwifery school in Stuttgart, and later accepted a teaching job at the University of Tübingen (1883).
In 1887 he became a professor of obstetrics at the University of Basel, and afterwards served as a professor at the Universities of Halle (1894) and Strasbourg (1900). In the aftermath of World War I, Fehling along with other German professors were expelled from the University of Strasbourg. He eventually settled in Baden-Baden, where he died in 1925.
Hermann Fehling is considered to be one of the leading gynecologists of his era, and made contributions in his research of disorders that included eclampsia, rachitic pelvis and puerperal osteomalacia. In 1877, with Heinrich Fritsch (1844-1915), he founded the journal Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie.


Selmar Aschheim (4 October 1878 – 15 February 1965) was a German gynecologist who was a native resident of Berlin.
Born into a Jewish family, in 1902 he received a doctorate of medicine in Freiburg, and later became director of the laboratory of the Universitäts-Frauenklinik at the Berlin Charité. In 1930 Aschheim attained the chair of biological research in gynecology at the University of Berlin. In 1933 he fled Nazi Germany and moved to Paris, where he worked in medical research at the Hôpital Beaujon.
Aschheim was a specialist concerning gynecological histology and hormone research. In 1928 with endocrinologist Bernhard Zondek (1891–1966), he isolated the gonadotropic hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which was discovered in the urine of pregnant women. From their research the "Aschheim-Zondek test" for pregnancy was created, which involved injection of a patient's urine into an immature laboratory mouse. If the rodent displayed an estrous reaction, it represented a positive indication of pregnancy.
The two doctors published the findings of the hormone in a treatise titled Das Hormon des Hypophysenvorderlappens. At the time they believed that the gonadotrophin was produced by the anterior pituitary, however further research in the 1940s demonstrated that the placenta was responsible for the elaboration of the hormone.


Erich Franz Eugen Bracht (5 June 1882 – 1969) was a German pathologist and gynaecologist born in Berlin.
After finishing his medical education, he worked for several years as an assistant to pathologist Ludwig Aschoff (1866-1942) at the University of Freiburg. Later on, he
focused his attention to obstetrics and gynaecology, working as an assistant gynecologist in Heidelberg, Kiel (under Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel 1862-1909) and Berlin. In 1922 he became an associate professor at the University of Berlin and eventually director of the Charité Frauenklinik. Following World War II he served as a consultant of gynaecology and obstetrics during the American occupation of Berlin.While at Freiburg, Bracht made important contributions involving the pathological study of rheumatic myocarditis. With Hermann Julius Gustav Wächter, he described the eponymous "Bracht-Wachter bodies", defined as myocardial microabscesses seen in the presence of bacterial endocarditis.He is also remembered for the "Bracht manoeuvre" (first described in 1935), a breech delivery that allows for delivery of the infant with minimum interference.


Karl-Günther Heimsoth, also known as Karl-Guenter Heimsoth (4 December 1899, Charlottenburg – July 1934, Berlin), was a German physician, polygraph, and politician. Heimsoth was a member of the Nazi Party and later the Communist Party of Germany.