Belgian male actors


Jean-Paul Comart (born 27 September 1953) is a Belgian actor best known for his appearances in French film in the 1980s. He has appeared in films, TV and in the theatre.
Since 2000, Comart has mostly appeared on television, playing Inspector Miller in the series Trois femmes flics amongst other roles.


Armand Éloi (born 29 August 1962 in Liège) a Belgian actor and director. He graduated in the ENSATT (school of la rue Blanche) and has created, together with the scenographer Emmanuelle Sage, the Théâtre du Passeur.


Noël Godin (born 13 September 1945) is a Belgian writer, critic, actor and notorious pie thrower or entarteur. Godin gained global attention in 1998 when his group ambushed Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in Brussels, pelting the software magnate with a pie. After bombarding Gates, Godin allegedly said, "My work is done here."