German pathologists


Theodor Albrecht Edwin Klebs (6 February 1834 – 23 October 1913) was a German-Swiss microbiologist. He is mainly known for his work on infectious diseases. His works paved the way for the beginning of modern bacteriology, and inspired Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. He was the first to identify a bacterium that causes diphtheria, which was called Klebs–Loeffler bacterium (now Corynebacterium diphtheriae). He was the father of physician Arnold Klebs.


Adolf Weil (7 February 1848, Heidelberg – 23 July 1916, Wiesbaden) was a German physician after whom Weil's disease is named.
Weil studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg, and afterwards furthered his education in Berlin and Vienna. From 1872 to 1876 he was an assistant to Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs (1819–1885) in Berlin. In 1886, he was appointed professor of special pathology and therapy at the University of Dorpat, but resigned shortly afterwards, after contracting tuberculosis of the larynx and permanently losing his voice. Later he lived and worked in Ospitaletto, San Remo and Badenweiler, relocating to Wiesbaden in 1893, where he died in 1916.
In 1913, in collaboration with Emil Abderhalden (1877–1950) he isolated an alpha-amino acid known as norleucine. Among his written works was a treatise on the auscultation of arteries and veins, Die Auscultation der Arterien und Venen (1875), and a monograph titled Handbuch und Atlas der topographischen Percussion (Handbook and atlas of topographical percussion) (1877).Shortly after receiving news that Weil's disease was caused by a spirochete, he died of acute hemoptysis.


Erich Franz Eugen Bracht (5 June 1882 – 1969) was a German pathologist and gynaecologist born in Berlin.
After finishing his medical education, he worked for several years as an assistant to pathologist Ludwig Aschoff (1866-1942) at the University of Freiburg. Later on, he
focused his attention to obstetrics and gynaecology, working as an assistant gynecologist in Heidelberg, Kiel (under Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel 1862-1909) and Berlin. In 1922 he became an associate professor at the University of Berlin and eventually director of the Charité Frauenklinik. Following World War II he served as a consultant of gynaecology and obstetrics during the American occupation of Berlin.While at Freiburg, Bracht made important contributions involving the pathological study of rheumatic myocarditis. With Hermann Julius Gustav Wächter, he described the eponymous "Bracht-Wachter bodies", defined as myocardial microabscesses seen in the presence of bacterial endocarditis.He is also remembered for the "Bracht manoeuvre" (first described in 1935), a breech delivery that allows for delivery of the infant with minimum interference.


Walter Traugott Ulrich Pagel
(12 November 1898 – 25 March 1983) was a German pathologist and medical historian.Pagel was born in Berlin, the son of the famous physician and historian of medicine Julius Leopold Pagel. He married Dr. Magda Koll in 1920 and with her had a son, Bernard, in 1930. Pagel took his doctorate in Berlin in 1922 and became professor in Heidelberg in 1931. The family moved to Britain in 1933 for fear of persecution as Jews. Pagel practiced as Consultant Pathologist to the Central Middlesex Hospital, Harlesden, in Greater London From 1939 to 1956, and continued at the Clare Hall Hospital, Barnet, Hertfordshire from 1956 to 1967, when he retired. Following his retirement he began to devote his efforts to writing the history of medicine.
Walter Pagel died in Mill Hill in 1983.


Johannes Orth (14 January 1847 – 13 January 1923 in Berlin) was a German pathologist born in Wallmerod.
He studied medicine at the universities of Heidelberg, Würzburg and Bonn, receiving his habilitation in 1872 while an assistant to Eduard von Rindfleisch at Bonn. Afterwards, he served as an assistant under Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) in Berlin. In 1878 he became a professor at the University of Göttingen, and in 1902, following the death of Virchow, he returned to Berlin as director of the clinic of pathology.
Orth specialized in the pathological study of infectious diseases, particularly tuberculosis and endocarditis.
In 1875, he documented an account involving an autopsy of a jaundiced infant with intense yellow staining of the basal ganglia, hippocampus, the third ventricle, as well as parts of the cerebellum. However, it wouldn't be until the early 20th century that this condition would be further comprehended. In 1903, pathologist Christian Georg Schmorl (1861-1932) presented the results of 120 autopsies of jaundiced infants, with six of the cases having the staining phenomena described by Orth. Schmorl coined the term "kernicterus" (jaundice of the basal ganglia) for the yellow staining phenomenon.


Karl Harko von Noorden (13 September 1858 – 26 October 1944) was a German internist, born in Bonn and educated in medicine at Tübingen, Freiberg, and Leipzig (M.D., 1882).
In 1885 he was admitted as privatdocent to the medical facility of the University of Giessen, where he had been assistant in the medical clinic since 1883. In 1889 he became first assistant of the medical clinic at Berlin University, in 1894 was called to Frankfurt am Main as physician in charge of the municipal hospital, and in 1906 was appointed professor of medicine at the University of Vienna, as a successor to Carl Nothnagel.
Von Noorden made special researches involving albuminuria in health, metabolism disorders and its treatment, diabetes, diseases of the kidney, dietetics, etc., and wrote on these subjects, some of his books appearing in English. Among his assistants was the Austrian-American psychologist Rudolf von Urban.
Noorden advocated an "oat-cure" to treat diabetes. The diet "consisted of 250 gm. oatmeal a day - 80 gm. with about 0.4 liter water each meal and maybe some vegetables or fruits for the taste"He died in Vienna. His father, also named Carl von Noorden (1833–1883) was a noted historian.


Karl Koester (born 2 April 1843 in Bad Dürkheim, died 2 December 1904 in Bonn) was a German pathologist and rector of the University of Bonn from 1898 to 1899. He was professor of pathology and director of the Institute of Pathology at the University of Bonn from 1874 to 1904. He held the title Geheimer Medizinalrat.
Koester studied medicine in Munich, Tübingen and Würzburg, and obtained his doctoral degree in Würzburg in 1867. His doctoral advisor and mentor was Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen, and he subsequently worked as Recklinghausen's assistant. From 1873 to 1874 he was professor of general medical pathology and anatomical pathology at the University of Giessen. He succeeded Eduard von Rindfleisch as professor of pathology at the University of Bonn in 1874.
In 1868 he published Ueber die feinere Structur der menschlichen Nabelschnur ("On the finer structure of the human umbilical cord").He became a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 1880.


Walter Eduard Carl Koch (3 May 1880 in Dortmund, Germany – 21 November 1962 in Gretesch) was a German pathologist best known for the discovery of Koch's triangle, a triangular shaped area in the right atrium of the heart.
Educated in Freiburg im Breisgau and at the Kaiser Wilhelm Academy in Berlin, he obtained his doctorate in 1907 at Freiburg. As a military physician, he served at the pathological institute in Freiburg. Later on he worked in Berlin. Here he habilitated in general pathology and pathological anatomy in 1921. After being named a professor in 1922, he worked as head of department at Berlin's Westend hospital.