Articles with BIBSYS identifiers


Robert Livinston Allen (1916 – October 9, 1982), was an American professor of linguistics and education at Teachers College, Columbia University known for his development of Sector Analysis, a grammatical system used in the teaching and analysis of languages in the United States and around the world.Born in 1916 in Hamadan, Iran, the son of Presbyterian missionaries, Robert Allen was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and graduated as valedictorian from Hamilton College where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He received his MA (1953) and PhD (1962) in Teaching of English with an emphasis on linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York.


Per Thomas Andersen (8 February 1954 - 13 December 2023) was a Norwegian literary historian and novelist.
He was appointed professor at the University of Tromsø from 1992, and at the University of Oslo from 1993. His thesis from 1992 treated the decadence of Scandinavian literature of the period from 1880 to 1900. Among his other scientific works are Stein Mehren – en logosdikter from 1982, Norsk litteraturhistorie from 2001, and Tankevaser from 2003. He published the novels Hold in 1985 and Arr in 1992. He was a fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. In 2023 he received the King's Medal of Merit.


Kristin Solli Schøien (born July 14, 1954 in Oslo) is a Norwegian author and composer.
Schøien studied at NLA University College, the University of Oslo, and the Norwegian Academy of Music. She is especially known for her hymnwriting.
Schøien lives in Eidskog and was previously employed as a lecturer at the Norwegian School of Theology. She also became known for the cabaret show Jeg synger min sang for vinden (I Sing My Song to the Wind), which sets to music poetry by Herman Wildenvey. It was first staged in 1990, and later in many places throughout Norway. A CD with the same title was later issued.


Dagne Groven Myhren (born 1940) is a Norwegian literature researcher, folk musician and educator. Her literary studies have included significant works on Henrik Wergeland (earning her a PhD) and on Norwegian folk poetry. As a singer, she has focused on the traditional songs of Telemark, frequently contributing to radio programmes. Until her retirement in 2003, she was professor of Nordic Studies at the University of Oslo.


Aline Nistad (August 24, 1954 – September 23, 2017) was a Norwegian trombonist and music educator. As a female trombonist, she was considered a pioneer in her field.She was born in Oslo and grew up in Aurskog-Høland. Nistad was taught to play piano at home by her mother but the trombone became her instrument of choice at school. She studied at the Østlandets Musikkonservatorium and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. In 1979, she joined the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, where she was principal trombone. From 1986 to 1989, Nistad served as chairman for the orchestra. She was a member of the Oslo Sinfonietta, a contemporary classical music ensemble. Nistad retired from the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra in August 2016. She taught trombone and chamber music at the Norwegian Academy of Music. Nistad also held master classes and was a guest instructor in Norway and internationally, particularly in the United Kingdom.She died of cancer at the age of 63.


Theodor Albrecht Edwin Klebs (6 February 1834 – 23 October 1913) was a German-Swiss microbiologist. He is mainly known for his work on infectious diseases. His works paved the way for the beginning of modern bacteriology, and inspired Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. He was the first to identify a bacterium that causes diphtheria, which was called Klebs–Loeffler bacterium (now Corynebacterium diphtheriae). He was the father of physician Arnold Klebs.


Steinar Lone (born 23 August 1955) is a Norwegian translator.
In 2009 he was awarded the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature of 2008, for his translation of Mircea Cărtărescu's Orbitor. Aripa stângă.


Lynn Claire Feinberg (born 1955) is a Norwegian rabbi. She became the first female rabbi in Norway in 2009. She was born in Oslo. She is an adherent of Jewish Renewal, and is the founder and spiritual leader of Havurat Kol haLev, the first Jewish Renewal havurah in Oslo.She is also a historian of religion, specializing in women and Judaism, and is trained as an astrologer and an eco-kosher mashgicha.


Helge Holden (born 28 September 1956) is a Norwegian mathematician working in the field of differential equations and mathematical physics. He was Praeses of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters from 2014 to 2016.
He earned the dr.philos. degree at the University of Oslo in 1985. The title of his dissertation with Raphael Høegh-Krohn was Point Interactions and the Short-Range Expansion. A Solvable Model in Quantum Mechanics and Its Approximation. He was appointed professor at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (now: the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ) in 1991. His research interests are Differential equations, mathematical physics (in particular hyperbolic conservation laws and completely integrable systems), Stochastic analysis, and flow in porous media.
In 2014 he became Chairman of the board of the Abel Prize fund.He was elected Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) for the period 2019–2022.