1904 births


Christian Møller (22 December 1904 in Hundslev, Als – 14 January 1980 in Ordrup) was a Danish chemist and physicist who made fundamental contributions to the theory of relativity, theory of gravitation and quantum chemistry. He is known for Møller–Plesset perturbation theory and Møller scattering.
His suggestion in 1938 to Otto Frisch that the newly discovered process of nuclear fission might create surplus energy, led Frisch to conceive of the concept of the nuclear chain reaction, leading to the Frisch–Peierls memorandum, which kick-started the development of nuclear energy through the MAUD Committee and the Manhattan Project.Møller was the director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)'s Theoretical Study Group between 1954 and 1957 and later a member of the same organization's Scientific Policy Committee (1959-1972).


Henning Thorvaldssøn Astrup (21 February 1904 – 7 August 1983) was a Norwegian architect.
He was born in Kristiania (now Oslo), Norway to architect Thorvald Astrup and Alfhild Ebbesen. He was a nephew of Arctic explorer Eivind, architect Henning, and merchant Sigurd Astrup.Astrup graduated from the Norwegian Institute of Technology in 1927. From 1932 Henning Astrup
worked in partnership with his father, Thorvald Astrup. Among his designs were industrial buildings for Norsk Hydro at Herøya, Rjukan, Notodden, Glomfjord and Kykkelsrud. He also designed the lodging facilities Skjennungstua and Kikutstua in Nordmarka and Skeikampen in Gausdal.


Karl Søren Clausen (15 August 1904 – 5 December 1972) was a Danish pianist, conductor, composer and musicologist. In addition to his work as a high school teacher in German and Music, he composed several instrumental and choral works, as well as songs. He became increasingly involved in work with amateur choirs and school singing, and he became a very popular choir conductor, who led several choirs to many musical successes, often with his own choir arrangements, based on folk melodies.
The strong folk singing tradition that he experienced in his childhood Sønderjylland under German rule became decisively influential during his later career. In the late 1940s he began collecting sound recordings of folk singing in marginal, rural areas of Jylland, and in the 1960s he continued this work in the isolated Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic. Alongside teaching and collection work, Clausen also began studying the history of Danish and North German folk singing, and put folk singing into a new context, incorporating historical, religious and sociological aspects, as reflected in various articles, as well as a textbook.


Ramón Areces Rodríguez (1904 in La Mata (Grado), Asturias, Spain – 1989 in Madrid, Spain) was a Spanish businessman.
At fifteen, Areces emigrated to Havana, Cuba. There he learned the basics of the business, working at EL ENCANTO Department Store. He later traveled through the United States and Canada, before returning to Spain. When he returned to Madrid in 1935, he opened up a small tailor shop on the calle Preciados. Areces used the techniques he learned on his trip, and his business grew, quite unexpectedly. In July 1940 he opened the first El Corte Inglés department store in Madrid, Spain.


Robert O. Wilson, MD (October 5, 1904 – November 16, 1967) was an American physician born to Protestant missionaries Wilbur F. Wilson and Mary Rowley Wilson in Nanjing, China. Wilson attended Princeton University and subsequently obtained his medical training at Harvard Medical School, graduating in 1929. He returned to Nanjing in 1936, where he assumed a housestaff position at Drum Tower Hospital of University of Nanking. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed that followed in the months leading up to the Japanese occupation of Nanjing, Wilson worked tirelessly at his post, eventually becoming one among only a handful of physicians who had not left the city by 1937.


Wincenty Pstrowski (28 May 1904 – 18 April 1948) was a Polish miner, known as the Polish Stakhanov and recognized with awards for his high productivity, during the Three Year Plan.
Pstrowski was given the title of przodownik pracy when in 1947 he achieved 270 percent expected efficiency per month. Pstrowski died in 1948 due to misconducted dental intervention, but in official propaganda, his death was due to deadly exhaustion.


Ramiro Abelardo Prialé Prialé (January 6, 1904 - February 27, 1988) was a Peruvian politician. A member of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance, he was a friend of Víctor Raúl Haya De La Torre. He served as the President of the Senate from July 1964 to July 1965, and from July 1987 until his death. Several roads and places in Lima are named for him.


Konrad Wölki (27 December 1904 – 5 July 1983) was a German composer, mandolinist and music educator who contributed to the musically critical appreciation of the Zupforchesters (German mandolin orchestras—may also include other plucked string instruments or conventional orchestral instruments). Historian Paul Sparks labeled Wölki "the founding father of modern German plucked-string music."He was a senior member of the German Mandolin and Guitar Player Federation (D.M.G.B.) until he was forced out in 1935 and replaced with a Nazi party member. In 1961 he helped create the Bund Deutscher Zupfmusiker (League of German plucked instrumentalists, BDZ), with members from his own D.M.G.B. and the German Workers Mandolinists Federation (D.A.M.B.), another mandolin organization closed down under the Nazis).The D.M.G.B. federation published compositions for its members to play. Wölki, the DMGB's "most significant figure" composed music in the 1920s for the mandolin and guitar based orchestras "that demonstrated the dramatic potential and range of color" possible for the plucked orchestra.In the 1930s, Wölki explored 18th century mandolin music from 1760s and 1770s Paris and reached a conclusion that caused controversy. He found that the classical music of the period that used mandolin had been played without tremolo. While some cherished the tremolo, others embraced "a return to classical methods". His influence through the works he composed resulted in a restraint in the use of tremolo in new German compositions.He was the author of a history of the mandolin, Geschichte der Mandoline (1939), and a three-volume mandolin method, Deutsche Schule für Mandoline. He continued to teach in Berlin, educating many of the next generation of mandolinists.He composed or arranged 103 pieces of published music.