German astrologers


Alfred Witte (2 March 1878 in Hamburg, Germany – 4 August 1941 in Hamburg, Germany), was a German surveyor, astrologer, an amateur astronomer, and the founder of the Hamburg School of Astrology. Witte revived and further developed the use of astrological midpoints (a+b)/2 for precision in astrological analysis and prediction. Alfred Witte died 4 August 1941, Hamburg. The time of death is unclear.


Heinrich Rantzau or Ranzow (Ranzovius) (11 March 1526 – 31 December 1598) was a German humanist writer and statesman, a prolific astrologer and an associate of Tycho Brahe. He was son of Johan Rantzau.
He was Governor of the Danish royal share in the Duchy of Holstein, a rich man and celebrated book collector. Rantzau is perhaps best remembered as a patron of scholars. His own Tractatus astrologicus de genethliacorum thematum appeared in 1597, and went through five editions by 1615. In his own time, he was regarded as a generous supporter of artists and writers in Lübeck, many of whom he engaged to write memorials of his father. Rantzau was also a successful merchant with trading interests in the east-west trade through Husum and Lübeck.Rantzau was awarded the Danish Order of the Elephant in 1580 by King Frederick II of Denmark.
His oldest son Breide Rantzau was a councillor of the Danish realm, and a younger son, Gert Rantzau, was Captain of the castles of Kronborg and Flensburg.He was the great-uncle of Josias von Rantzau, Marshal of France.


A. Frank Glahn (1865–1941), was a German mystic, Germanic revivalist, and most notably a pendulum dowser. He was used by the German military in the Third Reich, not necessarily willingly.
Glahn was mentioned greatly in the book Reveal the Power of the Pendulum by Karl Spiesberger.
In 1920 A. Frank-Glahn's "Das Deutsche Tarot Buch" was published by Uranus Verlag, accompanied by a deck of cards "Deutsches Original Tarot", an Egyptian style deck, but unique. Glahn's book and cards became a German tarot bible, which survived up in the 1980s, published by Hermann Bauer Verlag. (K.Frank Jensen)