1865 births


Charles Spindler (11 March 1865 in Bœrsch – 3 March 1938 in Bœrsch) was an Alsatian painter, marquetry inlayer, writer and photographer. He was also a supporter of Alsatian regionalism and founded several institutions for the promotion of Alsatian culture.


Theodore Scott-Dabo (November 16, 1865 - November 17, 1928) casually known as Scott Dabo, was a French/American tonalist landscape artist thought to be originally from Detroit, Michigan but now known to have been born in Saverne, France. Active both in New York and Paris, he was the younger brother of Leon Dabo. Both artists were Impressionist landscape painters, who shared in a similar manner in style and tone. During the period when they worked together, their subjects were usually landscapes and seascapes in the early morning or evening at twilight, they utilized spare composition and reductive color schemes to evoke what they termed, mood. The Dabo brothers style that had a Whistlerian quality, and like James McNeill Whistler both would come to be labeled Tonalist. The youngest brother in the family, Louis, a writer and publicist, also used the name Scott Dabo.


Giuseppe Oddo (9 June 1865 – 5 November 1954) was an Italian chemist. The Oddo–Harkins rule is named after him and William Draper Harkins. He published his findings in 1914 in a German journal.


Charles Joseph Gravier (4 March 1865, in Orléans – 15 November 1937, in Paris) was a French zoologist.
He initially taught classes at École normale (1883–85) in Orléans and at the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud, afterwards becoming a professor of natural history at the École normale (1887) in Grenoble. In 1893 he obtained his aggregation of natural sciences and in 1896 his PhD in sciences. Later he became first assistant to Edmond Perrier (1844–1921) at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris, where from 1903 he served as an assistant to Louis Joubin (1861–1935). In 1917 he attained the chair of zoology (worms and crustaceans) at the museum.
Gravier is known for his research of Anthozoa (class containing sea anemones and corals). The genera Gravieria, Gravierella and Gravieropsammia are named after him, as are numerous marine species, including the Red Sea mimic blenny (Ecsenius gravieri).In 1923 he was made a chevalier of the Légion d'honneur and commander on 6 August 1937.


Adriano Fiori (17 December 1865, Casinalbo – 5 November 1950, Casinalbo) was an Italian botanist.
He studied medicine and natural sciences at the University of Modena, then spent several years working as an assistant at the botanical institute in Padua (1892–1900). From 1900 to 1913 he was a professor of natural sciences at the Forestry Institute of Vallombrosa, and from 1913 to 1936, he served as a professor in Florence.During his career, he travelled extensively throughout Italy, during which, he studied and collected many plant specimens. He also spent considerable time botanizing in the Italian colony of Eritrea. He donated tens of thousands of specimens to the herbarium in Florence that included 1300 items from Eritrea.


Georges Augustin Albert Charpy (1 September 1865 – 25 November 1945) was the French scientist who created the Charpy impact test. He attended École Polytechnique from 1885 to 1887 and graduated with a degree in Marine Artillery. In 1887 he became a professor at École Monge. In 1892 he published his physics thesis. In 1920 he became a professor of metallurgy at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris. In 1922 he became the professor of general chemistry at École Polytechnique.