Recipients of the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art


Otto Treßler, also Otto Tressler, (13 April 1871 – 27 April 1965) was a German-Austrian stage and film actor. He appeared in more than 40 films between 1915 and 1962. He was born in Stuttgart, Germany and died in Vienna, Austria. He was a close friend to Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria.


Peter Alexander Ferdinand Maximilian Neumayer (30 June 1926 – 12 February 2011), commonly known as Peter Alexander, was an Austrian actor, singer and one of the most popular entertainers in the German-language world between the 1950s and his retirement. His fame emerged in the 1950s and 1960s through popular film comedies and successful recordings, predominantly of Schlager and operetta repertory. Later, Alexander established himself as the acclaimed host of television shows. His career as a live singer touring the German language countries lasted until 1991, while he continued his television work until 1996.


Imma von Bodmershof (born Emma Lilly Isolde von Ehrenfels; August 10, 1895 – August 26, 1982) was an Austrian poet born in Graz. She received the Grand Austrian State Prize in 1958 for her work Sieben Handvoll Salz (Seven Handfuls of Sand), a novel set in Sicily. She was engaged to be married to and influenced by the works of Norbert von Hellingrath. She had a talent for writing haiku and published several volumes.
Imma was the daughter of Baron Christian von Ehrenfels, the founder of the modern structural Gestalt psychology in Austria. She was also the sister of Umar Rolf Baron Ehrenfels, an orientalist and anthropologist who converted to Islam.