French architect stubs


Maurice Novarina (June 28, 1907 - September 28, 2002) was a French architect; born in Thonon-les-Bains, in Haute-Savoie, he died in the town of his birth.
He is best known for having designed the church of Notre-Dame de Toute Grâce du Plateau d'Assy. He was a student of the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, and later became an engineer of public works. Elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1979, he was succeeded by Aymeric Zublena in 2008.
Novarina had two sons; Patrice Novarina became an architect, while Valère Novarina is a writer.


Édouard François (born April 2, 1957 in Boulogne-Billancourt) is a French architect known for his environmentally friendly buildings. He was described as "The Hero of Green Architecture" by the Financial Times for his Tower-Flower.


Alphonse Guépin (17 February 1808 in Uzel – 8 December 1878 in Saint-Brieuc) was a French architect and building restorer.He was specialized in churches in Côtes-d'Armor.

Saint-Pierre church in Plessala
Saint-Gwénaël church in Lescouët-Gouarec
Church in Plouézec
Church in Lanrivain
Anatole-le-Braz school in Saint-BrieucHis main building was the Court in Saint-Brieuc, built in 1863.


José Charlet, (October 19, 1916 in Bourg-en-Bresse – 1993) was a French architect, painter, sculptor, and professor at the Beaux Arts of Paris.
Architect of the 49, rue du Pas Saint Maurice House in Suresnes France in 1959


Jacques Perret was a French architect in the service of the Catholic King Henry IV of France. He was a Huguenot, from the Savoie.
In July 1601, he published a sequence of 22 plates, engraved by Thomas de Leu, and a textual commentary, Des Fortifications et Artifices Architecture et Perspective. Perret offered his work, a series of ideal city plans with fortifications, to the service of the king.
The plans themselves are unremarkable as descendants of the Italian Renaissance penchant for radially symmetrical city design (e.g. Filarete's Sforzinda); what makes Perret's work noteworthy is the compulsive ornamentation of the city walls with biblical quotes, particularly from the psalms. His closest French Protestant predecessor was Bernard Palissy, better known for his work in ceramics, who includes a similar city in an appendix to his 1563 Recette véritable, a garden based on the psalms. Perret's choice of texts also favors the psalms, reinforcing his identity as a Protestant. One statement that shows up repeatedly is, "In God alone is there repose and true happiness," implying that worldly fortifications are useless even against worldly dangers. Several inscriptions carry variations on the theme of the king as God's delegated punisher of evil and protector of the good, an idea with a personal stake for the Calvinist Perret in a Catholic and often hostile France.