Members of Parliament for Marne


Charles- Amédée de Courson (born 2 April 1952 in Paris - 16th arrondissement) is a member of the National Assembly of France a former member of the Auditors Court and a former 'rapporteur', and current secretary of its Finance Commission. He represents the 5th district of the Marne department in the National Assembly, and is a member of the Union of Democrats and Independents as part of the Centrists.
Amongst his many interventions, he has opposed same-sex marriage, and has denounced the "illusion of security at airports". In 2023, he led a vote of no confidence against the Government of Élisabeth Borne over proposals to raise the state pension age by executive decree.Through his mother, De Courson is a grandson of the politician and Resistance hero Léonel de Moustier, and a descendant of Louis-Michel le Peletier, marquis de Saint-Fargeau.