Vocation : Art : Other Art


Lea Bondi, later Lea Jaray or Lea Bondi-Jaray (12 December 1880 – 1969) was an Austrian art dealer and art collector who was forced to emigrate to Great Britain due to Nazi persecution after the annexation of Austria to the Nazi German Reich. The Würthle Gallery, which she ran, was "Aryanized" by Nazis and her art collection, including the Portrait of Wally by Egon Schiele, extorted.


Miss.Tic (born Radhia Novat; 20 February 1956 – 22 May 2022) was a French artist. She was known for her stencils of dark-haired women seen in the streets of Paris and associated with poetry. She was active as a street artist from 1985 onward.


Beatriz Ferreira Lessa (born 10 June 1958), known as Bia Lessa, is a Brazilian filmmaker, theater director and former theater actress, and curator. She very often collaborates with her husband, Dany Roland.


Lilia Katri Moritz Schwarcz is a Brazilian historian and anthropologist. She is a doctor in social anthropology at the University of São Paulo, full professor at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas in the same institution, and visiting professor (Global Scholar) at Princeton University.Her main fields of study are anthropology and history of 19th-century Brazil, focusing on the Brazilian Empire, social identity, slavery and race relations between White and Afro-Brazilian peoples.Schwarcz is Jewish. In 1986, she co-founded the Companhia das Letras publishing house with her husband Luis Schwarcz. She is a curator for the São Paulo Museum of Art, and writes a column at the news website Nexo Jornal.In 2024, Lilia was elected to occupy seat number 9 of the Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL).


Tadeu Jungle (born 1956 in São Paulo) is a Brazilian multimedia artist. He works as a videomaker, photographer, poet, designer, producer and director of cinema and television.
Graduated in Social Communication through the School of Communication and Arts, USP, in 1980, Tadeu Jungle was part of an inventive group called TVDO were, along with his friends, made various experimental productions. Arlindo Machado refers to them as part of the Brazilian independent video generation and most recently he directed two feature films: Amanhã Nunca Mais (Tomorrow Never More, 2011) and the documentary Evoé, Retrato de um Antropófago (Evoé, Portrait of an Anthropophagist, 2011), about the playwright Zé Celso Martinez Correa. He is currently married to the director and screenwriter Estela Renner.


David Darryl Galloway (born 5 May 1937 – 28 December 2019) was an American novelist, curator, journalist and academic. A graduate of Harvard University, he was the founding curator of the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, a longtime contributor to the International Herald Tribune, an emeritus professor at the Ruhr University Bochum and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. The last decades of his life he resided in both France (Forcalquier) and Germany.


Nicario Jiménez Quispe (born in 1957) is a Peruvian-American retablo maker. He was born in the village of Alcamenca in Ayacucho, Peru, high in the Andes mountain range. He makes traditional Andean altarpieces, small wooden boxes filled with figures, animals and other objects that tell a story. Spanish priests used them to teach about the Catholic saints. He is a third generation retablo artist and learned the tradition from his father and grandfather. He also studied sculpture at several universities in Peru. The main altarpieces represent religious, historical and everyday life events. They can be humorous or political. His works are based on their pre-Hispanic Andean art and family influences. In 2012, he was the recipient of a Florida Folk Heritage Award.His altarpiece figurines are made by hand with a mix of boiled potato and gypsum powder. His work has appeared in major museum exhibitions, including the Smithsonian Institution where they are part of the permanent collection. Nicario has taught at universities and international conferences, and his work is in many prestigious art collections. Jimenez is now living in Naples, Florida, where he creates retablos that feature different stories of the struggles of Latino immigrants and scenes of Hispanic neighborhoods in South Florida. Through his works, Nicario Jimenez, the "artist of the Andes," has shared the art form of the altarpiece with audiences around the world.


Jane Fortune (August 7, 1942 – September 23, 2018) was an American author and journalist. Many of her publications and philanthropic activities were centered on the research, restoration, and exhibition of art by women in Florence, Italy.


Rosario Garza Sada (14 March 1893 – 5 December 1994) was a Mexican art promoter and philanthropist. The daughter of businessman Isaac Garza Garza, she was known for being the founder of the Conchita Clinic and Maternity, as well as Arte, A.C., a cultural association and school of design that provides support to artists from northern Mexico.