Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science


William Culp Darrah (1909 – 1989) was an American professor of biology at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania. He also had an interest in, and published several works on, 19th-century photography.
Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, his was a specialist in paleobotany. Darrah was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well a member of Sigma Xi and the Botanical Society of America.As an authority on the history of photography, he authored several books about 19th-century photo processes and photographers. As part of his interest in early photography, he assembled a collection of over 60,000 cartes-de-visite, which is now held at Penn State University.
He died in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.


Isabella Aiona Abbott (June 20, 1919 – October 28, 2010) was an educator, phycologist, and ethnobotanist from Hawaii. The first native Hawaiian woman to receive a PhD in science, she became a leading expert on Pacific marine algae.


Daniel Willett Foster (March 4, 1930 – January 25, 2018) was the John Denis McGarry, Ph.D. Distinguished Chair in Diabetes and Metabolic Research and Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas. He was Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine for 16 years. He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. He was a Master of the American College of Physicians. He was also a former member of the President's Council on Bioethics.


Alfred Gottschalk (22 April 1894 – 4 October 1973) was a German biochemist who was a leading authority in glycoprotein research. During his career he wrote 216 research papers and reviews, and four

books.Gottschalk was born in Aachen, the third of four children to Benjamin and Rosa Gottschalk, who had Jewish heritage. He was raised Catholic. He choose to study medicine, from 1912 he attended the Universities of Munich, Freiburg im Breisgau and Bonn. During the war he served in the medical corps of the German Army. He completed his medical degree in 1920, graduating MD from the University of Bonn. He completed clinical work experience at the medical schools of Frankfurt am Main and Würzburg and physiology-biochemistry studies at Bonn, that led to his first publications, an award from the University of Madrid and an invitation to work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Experimental Therapy and Biochemistry with Carl Neuberg.
In 1923 he married Lisbeth Berta Orgler; together they had one son. They separated in 1950. Gottschalk left the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biochemistry in 1926 to become Director of the Biochemical Department at the General Hospital in Stettin. He left the hospital in 1934 following upheaval in Nazi Germany and entered private practice, left for England in the spring of 1939, and on to Melbourne in July. He was offered a position as a biochemist by Charles Kellaway, director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI). He initially worked with yeast enzymes and fermentation, but in 1947 he joined the virus department, where he worked with Frank Macfarlane Burnet. He also taught biochemistry and organic chemistry at the Melbourne Technical College and later at the University of Melbourne. In 1945 he became a naturalized British citizen. In 1949 he received a DSc from the University of Melbourne.
He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 1954. He discovered viral neuraminidase there in 1957. As Burnet stated: “In the world of biochemistry the most important contribution of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is regarded as Gottschalk’s discovery of the structure of the sialic acids and his recognition that an enzyme which I had characterised biologically was chemically a neuraminidase. Gottschalk’s work was masterly and it was definitive.”On his retirement in 1959, he was invited by his friend and former WEHI colleague Frank Fenner to research at the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University. He returned to Germany in 1963, where he was appointed Guest-Professor at the Max Planck Institute for Virus Research in Tübingen. He continued active research and for his contributions to science was elected to the Fellowship of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1967 and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Münster (MD) in 1969.
He died in Tübingen on 4 October 1973. The Gottschalk Medal for medical research awarded by the Australian Academy of Science is named in his honour.


William Harroun Behle (May 13, 1909 – February 26, 2009) was an American ornithologist from Utah. He published around 140 papers on the biogeography and taxonomy of birds, focusing largely on birds of the Great Basin. Behle was born in Salt Lake City, the second of three children of parents Augustus Calvin Behle, a surgeon, and Daisy May Behle. He studied at the University of Utah, earning a B.A. in 1932 and M.A. in 1933, then pursued doctoral work at the University of California, Berkeley, under Joseph Grinnell, earning a PhD in 1937. Aside from four summers as a naturalist at Grand Canyon National Park, Behle spent the majority of his career as a professor at the University of Utah, where he worked from 1937 until his retirement in 1977, and continued to perform research as professor and curator emeritus. Behle was a fellow of the American Ornithologists' Union and American Association for the Advancement of Science, president (1972–1974) of the Cooper Ornithological Society, and member of the Wilson Ornithological Society. He is commemorated in the scientific name of a tarantula species, Aphonopelma behlei (now considered a synonym of A. marxi) named by his colleague Ralph V. Chamberlin in 1940.Behle's contributions to ornithology include some 140 papers on bird distribution and taxonomy, and the description of several subspecies (geographic races), including the western purple martin (subspecies Progne subis arboricola) and a race of slate-colored fox sparrow. Behle's 1990 book Utah Birds: Historical Perspectives and Bibliography focused the history of ornithology in Utah from 1776 to modern times, with biographical accounts of collectors and researchers, amateur and professional alike. UC Berkeley professor Ned K. Johnson called it "the most detailed ornithological history of any extensive region of North America."In 1934, Behle married Dorothy Davis, who died in 2001. William Behle died on February 26, 2009, at the age of 99, survived by two sons.


John Gleason Cramer Jr. (born October 24, 1934) is a professor emeritus of physics at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, known for his development of the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics. He has been an active participant with the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the particle accelerator at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.


Richard Lawrence Garwin (born April 19, 1928) is an American physicist, best known as the author of the first hydrogen bomb design.In 1978, Garwin was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for contributing to the application of the latest scientific discoveries to innovative practical engineering applications contributing to national security and economic growth.