Articles with ADB identifiers


Walter Moritz Boas FAA (10 February 1904 – 12 May 1982) was a German-Australian metallurgist.Boas was born in Berlin, Germany and was educated at the Berlin Institute of Technology (Dip. Engin. 1928, Dr.-Ing. 1930). After several positions at German and Swiss institutions, Boas became a lecturer in metallurgy at University of Melbourne in 1938; then from 1940 to 1947, senior lecturer. From 1947 to 1949, Boas was principal research officer, CSIR Division of Tribophysics; and from 1949 to 1969 chief of the division.The Walter Boas Medal of the Australian Institute of Physics is named in his honour.


Walter Andreas Dullo (26 November 1902 – 22 August 1978) was a German musicologist and lawyer who migrated to Australia, where he became best known as a chocolate maker. He also continued his musical activities there, and was a co-founder of both Musica Viva Australia (with Richard Goldner) and FM radio station 2MBS.


Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack (11 July 1893, in Frankfurt-am-Main – 7 January 1965, in Allambie Heights, in Sydney) was a German-born Australian artist.
His formative education was 1912–1914 at Debschitz art school in Munich. He studied at the Bauhaus from 1919–24 and remained working there until 1926 where, along with Kurt Schwerdtfeger, he further developed the Farblichtspiele ('coloured-light-plays'), which used a projection device to produced moving colours on a transparent screen accompanied by music composed by Hirschfeld Mack. It is now regarded as an early form of multimedia. He was a participant, along with the former Bauhaus master Gertrud Grunow, in den II. Kongreß für Farbe-Ton-Forschung (Hamburg 1. - 5. Oktober 1930) (English: Second Congress for Colour-Sound Research, Hamburg). In 1923 he participated in the prestigious film festival "Der Absolute Film in Berlin with other film producers such as Hans Richter Viking Eggeling, Walter Ruttmann, Fernand Léger. Francis Picabia and Renée Clair. Music and colour theory remained lifelong interests, informing his art work in a number of media, and it was the inspiration for his well-respected and influential teaching.


Sir Hans Heysen (8 October 1877 – 2 July 1968) was an Australian artist. He became a household name for his watercolours of monumental Australian gum trees. One of Australia's best known landscape painters, he is remembered for his depictions of sheep and cattle among massive gum trees against a background of atmospheric effects of light, of men and animals toiling in the Australian bush, and arid landscapes in the Flinders Ranges. He won the Wynne Prize for landscape painting a record nine times.


Joseph Bernard Reymond (3 May 1843 – 20 September 1918) was a French-born Australian politician.
He was born in Chabaud in France to farmer Etienne Bernard Reymond and Elizabeth Charriere Rond. He taught English from 1854 until 1857 before migrating to Melbourne in 1857, prospecting at Ararat, Ballarat and Chiltern. In 1862 he followed a gold rush to Forbes, where he set up a general store. He was an alderman from 1875 to 1884 and mayor from 1883 to 1884. He had married Margaret Kerr on 13 August 1861 at Wahgunyah; they had seven children. In 1895, Reymond was elected to the New South Wales Legislative Assembly as the Protectionist member for Ashburnham. He served until 1904, when he was defeated running as an independent. Reymond became director of Forbes Hospital in his retirement, and died at Forbes in 1918.


Alfred Gottschalk (22 April 1894 – 4 October 1973) was a German biochemist who was a leading authority in glycoprotein research. During his career he wrote 216 research papers and reviews, and four

books.Gottschalk was born in Aachen, the third of four children to Benjamin and Rosa Gottschalk, who had Jewish heritage. He was raised Catholic. He choose to study medicine, from 1912 he attended the Universities of Munich, Freiburg im Breisgau and Bonn. During the war he served in the medical corps of the German Army. He completed his medical degree in 1920, graduating MD from the University of Bonn. He completed clinical work experience at the medical schools of Frankfurt am Main and Würzburg and physiology-biochemistry studies at Bonn, that led to his first publications, an award from the University of Madrid and an invitation to work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Experimental Therapy and Biochemistry with Carl Neuberg.
In 1923 he married Lisbeth Berta Orgler; together they had one son. They separated in 1950. Gottschalk left the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biochemistry in 1926 to become Director of the Biochemical Department at the General Hospital in Stettin. He left the hospital in 1934 following upheaval in Nazi Germany and entered private practice, left for England in the spring of 1939, and on to Melbourne in July. He was offered a position as a biochemist by Charles Kellaway, director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI). He initially worked with yeast enzymes and fermentation, but in 1947 he joined the virus department, where he worked with Frank Macfarlane Burnet. He also taught biochemistry and organic chemistry at the Melbourne Technical College and later at the University of Melbourne. In 1945 he became a naturalized British citizen. In 1949 he received a DSc from the University of Melbourne.
He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 1954. He discovered viral neuraminidase there in 1957. As Burnet stated: “In the world of biochemistry the most important contribution of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is regarded as Gottschalk’s discovery of the structure of the sialic acids and his recognition that an enzyme which I had characterised biologically was chemically a neuraminidase. Gottschalk’s work was masterly and it was definitive.”On his retirement in 1959, he was invited by his friend and former WEHI colleague Frank Fenner to research at the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University. He returned to Germany in 1963, where he was appointed Guest-Professor at the Max Planck Institute for Virus Research in Tübingen. He continued active research and for his contributions to science was elected to the Fellowship of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1967 and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Münster (MD) in 1969.
He died in Tübingen on 4 October 1973. The Gottschalk Medal for medical research awarded by the Australian Academy of Science is named in his honour.


Francis Xavier Gsell, OBE (30 June 1872 – 12 July 1960) was a German-born Australian Roman Catholic bishop and missionary, known as the "Bishop with 150 wives". He was born at Benfeld, Alsace in 1872. He was ordained as a priest in the order of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in 1896, after study in Rome.He began active missionary work in Papua in 1900, then in 1906 re-established the Catholic Church in Palmerston (now Darwin), Northern Territory. He established an Aboriginal mission on Bathurst Island in 1910 and worked there until 1938. The local Tiwi people called him Parrakijiyali. Though unsuccessful in converting adults, he persisted with children's education and "bought" many girls promised in marriage to older men according to tribal custom. He became known as the "Bishop with 150 wives" (also the title of his autobiography) for his activities in freeing girls from such arranged marriages, thus making it possible for them to marry men of their own age. He defended the policy against criticism by Communist leader Tom Wright, and argued that "the natives are a race committing suicide" who "cannot stand the clash with modern civilisation".Gsell was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1935, and was Bishop of Darwin from 1938 to 1949, during which time he was influential in founding Aboriginal missions at Port Keats and Arltunga.
In 1936, Gsell was involved with establishing the Tennant Creek Catholic Church, which was dismantled and moved from its previous location at Pine Creek.His collaboration with government promoted assimilation policies. As Bishop of Darwin he was in charge of the Catholic Church's share of the policy of child removals of children of mixed parentage now known as the Stolen Generations. He defended the practice, writing "if they had families, and if they were surrounded by that love and affection family life offers to the young even amongst primitive peoples, it might be cruel. But these creatures roam miserably around the camps and their behaviour is often worse than that of native children. It is an act of mercy to remove them as soon as possible from surroundings so insecure."He retired to the Sacred Heart Monastery in the Sydney suburb of Kensington and died in 1960.


David Henry Souter (30 March 1862 – 22 September 1935) was an Australian artist and journalist. A stocky and humorous man, Souter wrote short stories, verse, light articles and plays, with a capable and ready pen. He did a fair amount of painting in watercolor, but his reputation rests on his black-and-white work, which, considering the mass of it, was very even in quality. He also illustrated volumes written by Ethel Turner and other Australian authors.


John Douglas Story (7 August 1869 in Edinburgh, Scotland – 2 February 1966 in Brisbane, Australia) was a public servant in Queensland, Australia.
Also known as J. D. Story, he migrated to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, with his parents, as a child, and attended Brisbane Grammar School and Brisbane Technical College.

Story was a prominent Queensland public servant who entered the Queensland Public Service and was Under-Secretary for the Department of Education between 1906 and 1920. He was the Public Service Commissioner from 1920 to 1939 and served on the Public Service Superannuation Board from 1913 until 1942. He was a long-time member of the Stanley River Works Board which was instrumental in the construction of Somerset Dam.Story worked for the establishment of the University of Queensland and was a government representative on the University senate. He became UQ's first full-time Vice-Chancellor, serving in an honorary capacity from 1938 to 1959.The J. D. Story Administration Building at the University of Queensland and Brisbane's Story Bridge were named in his honour. In February 2009 his grandson, John Story, became the 13th Chancellor of the University of Queensland.