Nazi Party politicians


Carl Blumenreuter (16 November 1881 – 11 July 1969) was a German chemist and politician during the Nazi era. He served as SS Chief Pharmacist for the Nazi Party (NSDAP).Blumenreuter studied the Nahrungsmittelchemie. He received special training in World War I for gas warfare at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for physical chemistry and electrochemistry in Berlin. In 1935 he joined the paramilitary combat organization of the Nazi party, the SA, and in 1937 the Nazi party.
In 1936, he was in the Sanitätsabteilung of the SS death's head associations and built up the Sanitätsversorgung. In 1937, he was head of the chemical pharmacological service of the SS Sanitätsamtes. Most recently, he was promoted to SS-Gruppenführer. In August 1943, the department was placed under the Reich physician SS and he received the title of Sanitätszeugmeister. This agency supplied the concentration camps with poisons. After the second world war he was interned; He was released but already in 1946 from the Neuengamme camp again. He then lived in Grömitz in Holstein and afterwards led a hospital pharmacy.


Theodor Habicht (4 April 1898 – 31 January 1944) was a leading political figure in Nazi Germany. He played a leading role in the Austrian Nazi Party. During World War II, he was involved in the administration of Nazi-occupied Norway until his dismissal by Adolf Hitler. He later served in the Wehrmacht and was killed in action on the Eastern Front at Nevel in 1944.


Wilhelm Gustloff (30 January 1895 – 4 February 1936) was the founder of the Swiss NSDAP/AO (the Nazi Party organisation for German citizens living outside Germany) at Davos. He led it from 1932 until his death.In 1936, Gustloff was assassinated by David Frankfurter, a Croatian Jew outraged by the growth of the Nazi Party. After killing Gustloff, Frankfurter immediately surrendered and confessed, telling the police that "I fired the shots because I am a Jew."


Wilhelm Weiss (German Wilhelm Weiß) (31 March 1892 – 24 February 1950) was, in the time of the Third Reich, an SA-Obergruppenführer as well as editor-in-chief of the NSDAP's official newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter.


Viktor Lutze (28 December 1890 – 2 May 1943) was a German Nazi Party functionary and the commander of the Sturmabteilung ("SA") who succeeded Ernst Röhm as Stabschef and Reichsleiter. After he died from injuries received in a car accident, Lutze was given an elaborate state funeral in Berlin on 7 May 1943.


Rudolf Diels (16 December 1900 – 18 November 1957) was a German civil servant and head of the Gestapo in 1933–34. He obtained the rank of SS-Oberführer and was a protégé of Hermann Göring.