American spiritual teachers


Clyde Taylor Francisco (June 2, 1916 – August 21, 1981) was born in Virgilina, Virginia and was the John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He taught Old Testament for over 30 years and his book titled Introducing the Old Testament remained in print for more than 25 years.


Wayne Robert Teasdale (16 January 1945 – 20 October 2004) was a Catholic monk, author and teacher from Connecticut, best known as an energetic proponent of mutual understanding between the world's religions, for an interfaith dialogue which he termed "interspirituality". He was also an active campaigner on issues of social justice.
Teasdale was inspired by Bede Griffiths and was particularly focussed on looking at Christianity and Hinduism in the way of Christian sannyasa.