Articles with unsourced statements from May 2015


Hendrik Jut (19 July 1851 – 12 June 1878) was a Dutch 19th-century murderer from The Hague.He killed two people in part to afford his marriage to Christina Goedvolk. After the murders the couple traveled, or fled, but eventually returned to the Netherlands where they were imprisoned. Jut died relatively soon after imprisonment while Christina lived out her twelve-year sentence. Once released she changed her surname to "De Graaf", her mother's, and became a maid. She remarried, but had difficulties continuing to her death in 1926.He has become a part of Dutch folk culture and a carnival "strength tester" called the "Kop van Jut" (Head of Jut, hitting a block with a large mallet, causing a bell to be rung if the blow is powerful enough) is said to be named after him. In English it is called the high striker. In the Dutch language, the expression "de kop van jut zijn" (being the head of jut) means 'being the scapegoat'.
Hendrik Jut's head was kept in a jar and was long on display in an anatomical museum attached to Groningen University but apparently was discarded after the bottle started leaking. There is however a cast of his head still extant.


Marcel Gottlieb (14 July 1934 – 4 December 2016), known professionally as Gotlib, was a French comics artist/writer and publisher. Through his own work and the magazines he co-founded, L'Écho des savanes and Fluide Glacial, he was a key figure in the switch in French-language comics from their children's entertainment roots to an adult tone and readership. His series include Rubrique-à-Brac, Gai-Luron, and Superdupont.


Yves Bot (August 22, 1947 – June 9, 2019) was a French magistrate who served until his death as Advocate General at the European Court of Justice.


Bernhard Klemens Maria Grzimek (German pronunciation: [ˈɡʒɪmɛk]; 24 April 1909 – 13 March 1987) was a German zoo director, zoologist, book author, editor, and animal conservationist in postwar West Germany.


Joseph Hubertus Pilates (9 December 1883 – 9 October 1967) was a German-born physical trainer, writer, and inventor. He is credited with inventing and promoting the Pilates method of physical fitness. He patented a total of 26 apparatuses in his lifetime.


Gary Lee Sampson (September 29, 1959 – December 21, 2021) was an American bank robber and later spree killer who killed three people and was sentenced to death by a federal jury in Massachusetts.
During three days in 2001, Sampson killed three strangers – retiree Philip McCloskey in Marshfield, Massachusetts, college student Jonathan Rizzo in Abington, Massachusetts, and Robert Whitney in Meredith, New Hampshire. He also attempted to kill a fourth victim and stranger, William Gregory, in Plymouth, Vermont. Sampson killed McCloskey and Rizzo after they picked him up hitch-hiking, stabbing them to death. Shortly after that he strangled Whitney. Sampson pleaded guilty to the three killings on September 9, 2003, and was sentenced to death on December 23, 2003, by a federal jury in Massachusetts. He received the death penalty for the two Massachusetts killings, and a life sentence for the New Hampshire case.After Sampson pleaded guilty, a federal jury decided whether he should be sentenced to death or life in prison. The defense introduced mental health experts to testify that Sampson had dyslexia as a child, had bipolar disorder, and "suffered from a significant mental impairment" during the killings. A psychiatrist called by the government testified that Sampson did not have any mitigating mental impairment; he was intelligent but violent and deeply antisocial, with antisocial personality disorder. The jury of 12 unanimously returned a sentence of death.
In 2011, Sampson's death sentence was thrown out due to juror misconduct, and he was scheduled for a second sentencing trial on September 16, 2015. He was again sentenced to death on January 9, 2017. He died in 2021 at the age of 62, presumably from end stage liver disease.