Vocation : Writers : Critic


Odd Wilhelm Surén (born 8 March 1961) is a Norwegian novelist, short story writer and non-fiction writer. He made his literary debut in 1985 with the short story collection Fanger og opprørere. Among his novels are Dråper i havet from 1998, and For hva det er verdt from 2010.He was awarded Mads Wiel Nygaards Endowment in 2001.A literary critic for the weekly newspaper Dag og Tid, he received the Norwegian Literature Critics Award for 2013.


Ernst Blass (17 October 17, 1890, (Berlin) – 23 January 23, 1939 (Berlin), (pseudonyms: Daniel Stabler and Erich Sternow) was an important expressionist poet, critic and writer.Blass was a close friend of Kurt Hiller and joined him at Der Neue Club, alongside other writers of early Expressionism, Georg Heym and Jakob van Hoddis. From 1911, he collaborated with the magazine Die Aktion, before distancing himself from Franz Pfemfert in 1914.In Das Wesen der neuen Tanzkunst (The essence of the new dance art) Blass set out to identify abstract categories whereby "a new dance art" could be outlined. He described how the anthroposophical breathing methods taught at Loheland could transform the "marionette" into an animal form which could then leap in an ecstatic manner. In this he was responding to previous theories of dance, such as produced by Heinrich von Kleist who had written in 1807 a short text "Über dem Marionette Theater" according to which the dancer became a marionnette without either will or consciousness.In 1980 Thomas B. Schumann published a three volume collection of Blass' poetry (Volume 1), short stories (Volume 2) and various essays (Volume 3).


Ricciotto Canudo (French: [kanydo]; 2 January 1877, Gioia del Colle – 10 November 1923, Paris) was an early Italian film theoretician who lived primarily in France. In 1913 he published a bimonthly avant-garde magazine entitled Montjoie!, promoting Cubism in particular. Involved in numerous movements yet confined to none, Canudo exuded seemingly boundless energy. He ventured into poetry, penned novels (pioneering a style emphasizing interpersonal psychology, which he dubbed sinestismo), and established open-air theatre in southern France. As an art critic, he unearthed talents like Chagall, curating a Chagall exhibition in 1914. In that same year, alongside Blaise Cendrars, he issued a call for foreigners residing in France to enlist in the French army. Among the 80,000 who responded was Canudo himself.He saw cinema as "plastic art in motion", and gave cinema the label "the Sixth Art", later changed to "the Seventh Art", still current in French, Italian, and Spanish conceptions of art, among others. Canudo subsequently added dance as a precursor to the sixth—a third rhythmic art with music and poetry—making cinema the seventh art.Canudo is often regarded as the inaugural aesthetician of cinema, thus making his "Manifesto" pertinent for an English-speaking readership. Several of Canudo's concepts found resonance with two prominent early French film experimenters—Jean Epstein and Abel Gance.


Gerard Nolst Trenité (20 July 1870, Utrecht – 9 October 1946, Haarlem) was a Dutch observer of English.
Nolst Trenité published under the pseudonym Charivarius (which he pronounced irregularly as [ʃaːriˈvaːrijəs]). He is best known in the English-speaking world for his poem The Chaos, which demonstrates many of the idiosyncrasies of English spelling and first appeared as an appendix to his 1920 textbook Drop Your Foreign Accent: engelsche uitspraakoefeningen. The subtitle of the book means "English pronunciation exercises." (This title has the pre-1947 Dutch spelling engelsche instead of the currently accepted usage Engelse.)Weakened from war and famine, Nolst Trenité died a year after the Liberation at the age of 76.


Wacław Iwaniuk (born 17 December 1912 in Stare Chojno near Chełm Lubelski - died 4 January 2001 in Toronto). Educated in Warsaw and Cambridge, England, a poet, literary critic and essayist for various Polish émigré newspapers in Canada and abroad. He served in the Polish Diplomatic Corps and as an officer in the Polish Armed Forces during World War II. Iwaniuk immigrated to Canada in 1948 (Toronto) where he continued to write and published in Polish. He was a member of several international literary societies (PEN) and writers unions (SPP - Lublin Chapter). During his career as a postwar émigré poet and writer, he had published numerous articles and publications including in popular Polish Kultura paryska.


Martín Solares (born Martin Mauricio Solares Heredia in 1970) is a Mexican writer, critic and editor who received the Efraín Huerta National Literary Award in 1998 for his short story, "El planeta Cloralex". The 2008 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction laureate, Junot Díaz, praises his work as "brilliant, but mostly unavailable in English".According to an article Solares wrote for La Jornada, during his teenage years he briefly had Rafael Guillén Vicente (Subcomandante Marcos, according to the Mexican authorities) as a substitute history teacher. He went on to work as an editor for several publishing houses and by the late 2000s he was completing a doctorate in Iberian and Latin American Studies at the University of Paris I.