20th-century British translators


Gerhard Adler (14 April 1904 – 23 December 1988) was a major figure in the world of analytical psychology, known for his translation into English from the original German and editorial work on the Collected Works of Carl Gustav Jung. He also edited C.G. Jung Letters, with Aniela Jaffe. With his wife Hella, he was a founding member of the Society of Analytical Psychology in London, of which C.G. Jung was first President. Despite their years-long collaboration on translating and editing, Adler's allegiance to Jung and the "Zurich school" caused irreconcilable differences with Michael Fordham, and led to his leaving the Society of Analytical Psychology and founding the Association of Jungian Analysts.


Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff (25 September 1889 – 28 February 1930) was a Scottish writer and translator, most famous for his English translation of most of Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu, which he published under the Shakespearean title Remembrance of Things Past. His family name is the double-barrelled name "Scott Moncrieff".


Edwin Muir CBE (15 May 1887 – 3 January 1959) was a Scottish poet, novelist and translator. Born on a farm in Deerness, a parish of Orkney, Scotland, he is remembered for his deeply felt and vivid poetry written in plain language and with few stylistic preoccupations.