Vocation : Writers : Metaphysics/ Parapsychology


Margot Klausner (also: Margot Klausner-Brandstaetter; November 2, 1905 – November 12, 1975) was a German-Israeli writer and filmmaker. Regarded as a pioneer of Israeli filmmaking, Klausner co-founded the first Israeli film studio, Israel Motion Picture Studios Herzliyyah Ltd (more widely known as Herzliya Studios or United Studios), with her husband Yehoshua Brandstaetter in 1949. Klausner served as chairman and president of the company until her death in 1975. Klausner was instrumental in the development of the Israeli film industry, and by 1974 Herzliya Studios (which operated under different names over the years) had produced 100 feature films, and thousands of advertisements, newsreels, documentaries, and satellite transmissions.
From the 1920s until her death in 1975, Klausner published numerous works on a variety of subjects in German, Hebrew, and English. Klausner founded the Israeli Parapsychological Society and published the monthly magazine Mysterious Worlds: A Journal of Parapsychology from 1968 to 1971.


Robert Allan Monroe (October 30, 1915 – March 17, 1995) was an American radio broadcasting executive who became known for his ideas about altered states of consciousness and for founding The Monroe Institute which continues to promote those ideas. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term "out-of-body experience".
Monroe developed Hemi-Sync which he claimed could facilitate enhanced brain performance.He was one of the founders of the Jefferson Cable Corporation, the first cable company to cover central Virginia.


Gina Cerminara (April 11, 1914 – April 1984) was an American author in the fields of parapsychology, spirituality and reincarnation. She was born in Milwaukee and received BA, MA, and Ph.D. degrees in psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her years of research regarding Edgar Cayce led her to publish a book about reincarnation in 1950 titled Many Mansions. Her other books on reincarnation include The World Within, Many Lives, Many Loves and Insights for the Age of Aquarius.


Paul Gibier (October 9, 1851–June 23, 1900) was a French medical doctor and bacteriologist, a researcher into contagious diseases, who founded the New York Pasteur Institute. This was a pioneering private research laboratory concerned with developing bio-medical cures including vaccines and anti-toxins. He was also known for his interest in psychic phenomena.


Naphthali ben Levi (Henri) van Praag (September 12, 1916 in Amsterdam – November 3, 1988 in Hilversum) was a Jewish-Dutch writer, teacher, and religious historian, and became known also for his publications in the field of parapsychology.


Wayne Robert Teasdale (16 January 1945 – 20 October 2004) was a Catholic monk, author and teacher from Connecticut, best known as an energetic proponent of mutual understanding between the world's religions, for an interfaith dialogue which he termed "interspirituality". He was also an active campaigner on issues of social justice.
Teasdale was inspired by Bede Griffiths and was particularly focussed on looking at Christianity and Hinduism in the way of Christian sannyasa.


Frederik Willem van Eeden (3 April 1860, Haarlem – 16 June 1932, Bussum) was a late 19th-century and early 20th-century Dutch writer and psychiatrist. He was a leading member of the Tachtigers and the Significs Group, and had top billing among the editors of De Nieuwe Gids (The New Guide) during its celebrated first few years of publication, starting in 1885.