Academic staff of the University of Basel


Hermann Johannes Karl Fehling (14 July 1847 - 11 November 1925) was a German obstetrician and gynecologist who was a native of Stuttgart. He was the son of the chemist Hermann von Fehling (1811-1885).
In 1872 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Leipzig, and following graduation remained in Leipzig as an assistant to obstetrician Carl Siegmund Franz Credé (1819-1892). In 1877 he became director of the Württemberg state midwifery school in Stuttgart, and later accepted a teaching job at the University of Tübingen (1883).
In 1887 he became a professor of obstetrics at the University of Basel, and afterwards served as a professor at the Universities of Halle (1894) and Strasbourg (1900). In the aftermath of World War I, Fehling along with other German professors were expelled from the University of Strasbourg. He eventually settled in Baden-Baden, where he died in 1925.
Hermann Fehling is considered to be one of the leading gynecologists of his era, and made contributions in his research of disorders that included eclampsia, rachitic pelvis and puerperal osteomalacia. In 1877, with Heinrich Fritsch (1844-1915), he founded the journal Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie.


Ernst Pfuhl (17 November 1876, Charlottenburg – 7 August 1940, Basel) was a German-Swiss classical archaeologist and art historian. He was the son of sculptor Johannes Pfuhl (1846–1914) and a son-in-law to art dealer Athanasios Rhousopoulos (1823–1898).


Rudolf Stähelin, surname also spelled Staehelin (28 July 1875, Basel – 26 March 1943, Basel) was a Swiss internist.
He studied medicine at the Universities of Basel, Tübingen and Munich, obtaining his doctorate at Basel in 1901. He briefly served as an assistant physician at the Civic Hospital in Basel, then was a lecturer at the Universities of Basel (from 1902), Göttingen (1906) and Berlin (from 1907). From 1911 until 1943, he was a professor of internal medicine and director of the medical clinic at Basel.His research involved studies on tuberculosis, respiratory, circulatory, metabolic and infectious diseases. With Gustav von Bergmann, he published the second edition of the Handbuch der inneren Medizin (1925-1931).


Karl Mellinger (26 November 1858, in Mainz – 21 May 1917, in Basel) was a German-Swiss ophthalmologist.
Mellinger studied medicine at the universities of Zürich and Basel until 1883, and afterwards worked as an assistant to ophthalmologists Johann Friedrich Horner in Zürich and Karl Stellwag von Carion at the University of Vienna. In 1889 he obtained his habilitation at Basel and was named head of the outpatient clinic. In 1896 he became an associate professor and successor to Heinrich Schiess-Gemuseus as head of the university eye clinic. Among his students and assistants at Basel were Alfred Vogt and August Siegrist. He is credited with introducing a specialized ring magnet (inner pole eye magnet) into ophthalmology.


Friedrich Fichter (6 July 1869 – 1952) was a professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Basel. His main field of interest was electrochemistry. He initiated the founding of the scientific journal Helvetica Chimica Acta.


Andreas Franz Wilhelm Schimper (12 May 1856 – 9 September 1901) was a German botanist and phytogeographer who made major contributions in the fields of histology, ecology and plant geography. He travelled to South East Asia and the Caribbean as part of the 1899 deep-sea expedition. He coined the terms tropical rainforest and sclerophyll and is commemorated in numerous specific names.