
Astro geolocation

45.7575, 4.854

Location reference Astro Chart

The Urban Community of Lyon (French: Communauté urbaine de Lyon), also known as Grand Lyon (i.e. "Greater Lyon") or by its former acronym COURLY, is the former intercommunal structure gathering the city of Lyon (France) and some of its suburbs. It was created in January 1969.The "Metropolis of Lyon" replaced the Urban Community on January 1, 2015.
The Urban Community of Lyon encompasses only the core of the metropolitan area of Lyon. Communes further away from the centre of the metropolitan area have formed their own intercommunal structures, such as:

Syndicate of New Agglomeration of L'Isle-d'Abeau (Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle de l'Isle-d'Abeau): 38,769 inhabitants
Community of Communes of the East of Lyon (Communauté de communes de l'Est Lyonnais): 27,706 inhabitants
Community of Communes of the Garon Valley (Communauté de communes de la Vallée du Garon): 27,515 inhabitants

Location name