
Astro geolocation

49.4002, 2.7996

Location reference Astro Chart

The University of Technology of Compiègne (French: Université de Technologie de Compiègne, UTC) is a public research university located in Compiègne, France. The university has both the status of public university and grande école. It was founded in 1972 as the first experimental Institute of Technology in France. The university is a founding member of Sorbonne University Association, a group composed of French leading academic and research institutions, which alumni and faculty include 19 Nobel laureates and 7 Fields Medalists. A fundamental principle of the UTC is the education of both engineers and citizens inspired by humanist philosophy. Beyond an education in basic sciences (e.g. Mathematics, theoretical physics) and engineering sciences (e.g. thermodynamics, polymer physics), the curriculum also has a strong emphasise on humanities and social sciences (e.g. philosophy, history of science and engineering, journalism). The overarching goal is to form humanist scientists and technologists capable of solving problems within a conscious and ethical framework of environmental, social, and societal consequences.

Location name