
Astro geolocation

47.473612, -0.554167

Location reference Astro Chart

Michel Eugène Chevreul (31 August 1786 – 9 April 1889) was a French chemist whose work contributed to significant developments in science, medicine, and art. Chevreul's early work with animal fats revolutionized soap and candle manufacturing and led to his isolation of the heptadecanoic (margaric), stearic, and oleic fatty acids. In the process, Chevreul became the first scientist to define the concept of a chemical compound and the first to formally characterize the nature of organic compounds; he is consequently considered a founder of modern organic chemistry.In the medical field, Chevreul was first to demonstrate that diabetics excrete glucose in the urine and to isolate creatine. Chevreul's study of textile dyes while director of the Gobelins Manufactory in Paris led to color theories that "provided the scientific basis for Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painting."Chevreul is one of the 72 French scientists, mathematicians, and engineers whose names are inscribed on the Eiffel Tower. He lived to be 102 and was a pioneer in the field of gerontology.

Location name