Astro geolocation

48.8944, 2.2747

Location reference Astro Chart

CELSA is a French communication and journalism school (grande école) located in the West of Paris, (Neuilly-sur-Seine) and is part of the Sorbonne University. The name CELSA is an acronym for the French phrase 'Centre d'études littéraires et scientifiques appliquées', i.e. Centre for Applied Literary and Scientific Studies.
Founded in 1965, the school offers students classes in the information and communications sciences and associated professions, along with courses in the humanities and social sciences.
CELSA Paris was ranked the top French school in communication in 2011, 2013 and 2014. Its program in advertising and journalism are also ranked first. The school is highly selective.Approximately 700 students are enrolled at CELSA to obtain degrees in journalism, corporate communications, intercultural management, marketing and advertising, human resource management, and multimedia studies.
CELSA's faculty is a combination of academics from the Sorbonne University and professionals from a variety of business sectors. Faculty members use a variety of teaching methods including case studies, lectures, discussions, team projects, simulation exercises and independent study.
The school has close connections to companies in France. Its Office of Career Services provides students with a range of professional connections for internships and job opportunities.
The Alumni Association organises monthly meetings and other events and publishes a directory of its 800 members.

Location name