
Astro geolocation

46.592, 153.266

Location reference Astro Chart

The 2006 Kuril Islands earthquake occurred on November 15 at 8:14:16 pm JST with a Mw magnitude of 8.3 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IV (Light) and a maximum Shindo intensity of JMA 2. This megathrust earthquake was the largest event in the central Kuril Islands since 1915 and generated a small tsunami that affected the northern Japanese coast. The tsunami crossed the Pacific Ocean and damaged the harbor at Crescent City, California. Post-tsunami surveys indicate that the local tsunami in the central Kuril Islands reached runups of 21.9 metres (72 ft) or higher.This earthquake is also considered a doublet of the 2007 Kuril Islands earthquake that hit the same area on January 13, 2007.

Location name